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Reference is made to the announcement of Hengan International Group Company Limited (the"Company") dated 25 March 2014 in respect of the annual results of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2013 (the "Announcement"). Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalized terms used in this announcement shall have the same meanings as those defined in the Announcement.

The Board would like to clarify that due to the adjustment of basis of apportioning expenses in accordance with the practice in the previous years and inadvertent mistakes, the segment profit, additions to non-current assets, depreciation charge, amortization charge and segment liabilities of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2013 disclosed in the subsection headed "2. Revenue and segment information" under the heading of "RESULTS" on page 8 of the Announcement have been erroneously stated.

* For identification purposes only

For completeness, the Group's revenue and contribution to the operating profit by business segments for the year ended 31 December 2013 in the subsection headed "2. Revenue and segment information" showing the corrected figures are reproduced below:

2. Revenue and segment information

An analysis of the Group's revenue and contribution to the operating profit by business segments is as follows:

2013 Sanitary napkins products Disposable diapers products Tissue paper products Food and snacks products Others Group

HK$'000 HK$'000 HK$'000 HK$'000 HK$'000 HK$'000

Consolidated income statement for the year ended 31 December 2013

Segment revenue 6,602,275 3,196,636 10,351,271 1,604,655 556,675 22,311,512
Inter-segment sales (629,580) (258,450) (147,251) - (89,863) (1,125,144)

Revenue of the Group 5,972,695 2,938,186 10,204,020 1,604,655 466,812 21,186,368
Segment profit 2,534,753 605,879 1,142,008 116,841 4,141 4,403,622
Unallocated costs (92,246)
Other income and other gains - net 776,472

Operating profit 5,087,848
Finance income 291,615
Finance costs (363,992)

Profit before income tax 5,015,471
Income tax expense (1,244,889)

Profit for the year 3,770,582
Non-controlling interests (49,551)

Profit attributable to shareholders
of the Company 3,721,031


2013 Sanitary napkins products Disposable diapers products Tissue paper products Food and snacks products Others Group

HK$'000 HK$'000 HK$'000 HK$'000 HK$'000 HK$'000

Consolidated balance sheet as at 31 December 2013

Segment assets 8,094,858 6,570,494 19,821,702 1,268,914 3,408,743 39,164,711

Deferred income tax assets 157,511
Unallocated assets 868,265

Total assets 40,190,487
Segment liabilities 1,444,725 503,411 6,680,134 346,232 89,173 9,063,675

Deferred income tax liabilities 169,146
Current income tax liabilities 273,430
Unallocated liabilities 13,765,570

Total liabilities 23,271,821

Other items for the year ended 31 December 2013

Additions to non-current assets 232,375 136,085 627,150 55,175 149,796 1,200,581
Depreciation charge 75,242 59,615 464,748 51,608 13,690 664,903

Amortisation charge 4,642 1,496 17,256 14,043 578 38,015

Save as disclosed above, all other information in the Announcement shall remain unchanged.

By Order of the Board of

Hengan International Group Company Limited Sze Man Bok


Hong Kong, 28 March 2014

As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises Mr. Sze Man Bok, Mr. Hui Lin Chit, Mr. Hung Ching Shan, Mr. Xu Shui Shen, Mr. Xu Da Zuo, Mr. Xu Chun Man, Mr. Sze Wong Kim, Mr. Hui Ching Chi and Mr. Loo Hong Shing Vincent as executive directors, and Mr. Chan Henry, Mr. Wang Ming Fu, Ms. Ada Ying Kay Wong, Mr. Zhou Fang Sheng and Mr. Ho Kwai Ching, Mark as independent non-executive directors.


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