The members of the board of directors ("Board") of HKC (Holdings) Limited are as follow:-
Executive Directors
Mr. OEI Kang, Eric (Chief Executive Officer)
Mr. CHAN Kwok Fong, Joseph (Chief Financial Officer) Mr. LEE Shiu Yee, Daniel
Mr. WONG Jake Leong, Sammy
Non-executive Directors
Mr. OEI Tjie Goan (Chairman) Ms. YEN Teresa
Independent Non-executive Directors
Mr. FAN Yan Hok, Philip Mr. CHUNG Cho Yee, Mico Mr. CHENG Yuk Wo
Mr. Albert Thomas DA ROSA, Junior
There are five Board committees. The membership information of these committees on which each Board member serves is set out below:
Audit Committee
Mr. CHUNG Cho Yee, Mico
Mr. CHENG Yuk Wo
Mr. Albert Thomas DA ROSA, Junior
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Nomination Committee Mr. FAN Yan Hok, Philip Mr. CHUNG Cho Yee, Mico Mr. CHENG Yuk Wo
Mr. Albert Thomas DA ROSA, Junior
Remuneration Committee Mr. FAN Yan Hok, Philip Mr. CHUNG Cho Yee, Mico Mr. CHENG Yuk Wo
Mr. Albert Thomas DA ROSA, Junior
Investment Committee
Mr. OEI Kang, Eric (Chairman) Mr. WONG Jake Leong, Sammy Ms. YEN Teresa
Executive Committee
Mr. OEI Kang, Eric (Chairman) Mr. CHAN Kwok Fong, Joseph Mr. LEE Shiu Yee, Daniel
Mr. WONG Jake Leong, Sammy
Hong Kong, 23 January 2014

* For identification purposes only

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