Medellín, August 30, 2013 NEWS OF INTEREST The Colombian Stock Exchange awards ISA the "IR Recognition"

The Colombian Stock Exchange delivered ISA yesterday the "IR Recognition", an initiative that while ratifying the company's allegiance to the market implies an increased commitment to a management style based on best practices.
This initiative is framed within the "IR Recognition" for issuers created by the Colombian Stock Exchange in 2012 to prize issuers that certify compliance with best practices in issues such as disclosure of information to the market and investor relations.
Such stimulus to ISA's management endeavors recognizes as well the practices that have permitted the company accessing demanding markets, expanding business, attaining competitiveness and seeking satisfaction from its stakeholders.
The recognition was received by Jaime Falquez Ortiga, ISA's Financial Resources
Director at the fifth Conference of Asobolsa-BVC held in Cartagena yesterday.
For issuers like ISA the recognition is granted for a maximum term of one year, a term which can be extended at the company's request.
The "IR Recognition" is part of the Colombian Stock Exchange initiatives that seek appreciation for the country as a more attractive market, eligible for investment. The Colombian Stock Exchange considers that implementation of practices such as those required by this "IR Recognition" leads companies to open the doors to the future and
receive benefits for themselves and other market participants.

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