INVL Baltic Farmland will buy-back own shares for LTL 19.3 thousand30 09 2014

INVL Baltic Farmland, a company investing into agricultural land, will buy-back 0.06 % of own shares for LTL 19.3 thousand.
EUR 2.86 were paid for one shares or nearly 5% lower than the company's consolidated equity value per share (EUR 3.00).
INVL Baltic Farmland could buy-back 0.5% of own shares.
"Initiating the buy-back of own shares we strived to achieve INVL Baltic Farmland share market price to reflect their fair value. It is likely that such share buy-backs will also be implemented in the future", - Darius Sulnis, the director of INVL Baltic Famland, said.
Companies of INVL Baltic Farmland group manage 3 thousand hectares of agricultural land in Lithuania. All land is being leased to farmers and agricultural companies
The consolidated equity capital of INVL Baltic Farmland amounted to LTL 34.115 million in the end of June 2014.

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