JBS S.A. MATERIAL FACT Complementary Procedures Regarding Seara Brazil Acquisition - Registration Request of a Public Tender Offer of the Shares issued by Excelsior Alimentos S.A. due to Change of Control under Differentiated Procedure

JBS S.A. ("JBS"), in accordance with Brazilian federal law No. 6,404, dated December 15th,
1976, as amended ("Law 6,404/76"), and the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission -
Comissão de Valores Mobiliários ("CVM") Normative Instruction No. 358, dated January 3rd,
2002, as amended ("CVM Ruling 358"), hereby informs its shareholders and the market that, in the context of the completion of the acquisition of Seara Brazil, as informed to the market on October 1st, 2013, a registration request of a public tender offer of common shares issued by Excelsior Alimentos S.A. ("Excelsior"), which belongs to the Seara Brazil Group, was filed
today with CVM and BM&FBOVESPA S.A. - Bolsa da Valores, Mercadorias e Futuros, due to the change of control and under differentiated procedure, aiming at the acquisition by JBS of the totality of the common shares issued by Excelsior which are traded in the market, in accordance
with Article 254-A of Law 6,404/76 and CVM Ruling No. 361, dated March 5th, 2002, as
amended (the "Tender Offer").
Further information on the Tender Offer can be found in the documents filed with CVM, which are available on the Excelsior and CVM websites.
JBS will keep its shareholders and the market updated on the next steps of the Tender Offer.
São Paulo, October 30th, 2013

Jeremiah O'Callaghan

Investors Relations Officer

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