Déclaration des opérations effectuées par l'émetteur directement ou par un prestataire de services d'investissement intervenant de manière indépendante pour le compte de l'émetteur dans le cadre du programme de rachat n° 04-322 (Instruction n° 2005-06 du

Statement of transactions directly carried out by the issuer as part of its share buyback programme, approve d by the Gen er al Shar eh olders' Meeting of May 19th, 2011 and being implemented since May 20th, 2011 (AMF Instruction 2005-06 of 02/22/05 and

Article 241-4 of AMF General Regulations)

Date: June 20th, 2011 Company name: PPR Statement of transaction carried out on June 20th, 2011



Number of shares

Weighted Average Price

Amount in €






This statement is a free translation of the French original statement.

The original French version of this statement is available on our website at www.ppr.com

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