Pursuant to Article 12 of CVM Instruction 358 of January 3, 2002, as amended, Kroton Educacional S.A. ("Company") hereby informs its shareholders and the market in general that, on July 10, 2014, received the letter attached to this notice.

Belo Horizonte, July 14, 2014


Kroton Educacional S.A. Alamedas Santos. n' 787

Sao Paulo, SP.Brasil,

ZipCode.: 01419-001

Alt.:Carlos Alberto Bolina Lazar lnvestors Relations Officer

Tel.: 55 (11) 3775-2288


e-mail: dri@kroton.com.br

10 July 2014

Kroton EducacionalS.A. Alamedas Santos, n'787

Sào Paulo, SP, Bras !,


A.l:Carlos Alberto Bolina Lazar Oiretor de RelaçOes com lnvestidores Tel.: 55 (11) 3775-2288

Fax.:55 (11) 3775-2010

e-mail: dri@kroton.com.br

10 de julho de 2014

Kroton EducacionalS.A. - Dlsclosure of change of materia!equity holding

Dear Sirs,

Kroton Educaclonal S.A. - Divulgaçiio de alteraçiio de part clpaçiio aclonarla relevante

Prezados Senhores,

1 The undersigned Oppenheimer Funds, 1 lnc. ("DFI''), on behalf of some of its clients and subsidiaries, including OFI Oeveloping Mar1 ("OFIDMF"), herebyinforms the passive change In relevant shareholding in Kroton Educacional S.A. ('Kroton") so that,on

3 July 2014, its aggregated holdings added up to 18,373,508 common shares, representing approximately

4.55% of the total common shares issued by Kroton.

2 For the purposes of Artide 12 of the 2

Brazillan Securllles Commission

('CVM") Ruling No. 358. of January 3,

2002, as amended, OFI hereby reQuests Kroton's lnvestors Relations Officer to disclose the following informat on to CVM and to the relevant authori1ies:

(i) OFI and OFIGI registered officeis headquartered alLiberty Slree,l

225, World Financial Center, New

York, 10080, United States of



A abaixo assinada Oppenheimer Funds, lnc. ("OFI ), vem, em nome de alguns de seus clientes e de suas subsidlar as, incluindo OFI Oeveloping Markets Fund (O' FIDMF'), informar sobre a alteraçiio passiva de participaçao relevante na Kroton Educacional S.A. ('Kroton"), sendo que,em 3 de juhl o de 2014, OFI e OFIDMF passaram a deter participaçiio agregada de 18.373.508 aç6es ordinarias, representando, aproximadamente, 4,55% do total das aç6es ordinanas emitidas pela Kroton.

A fim de atender ao disposto no Artigo

12 da lnstruçiio n358, da Comissao de

Valores Mobiliarios ("CVM'), datada de

3 de janeiro de 2002, conforme alterada, OFI, por meio desta, solicita ao Diretor de Relaç6es com lnvestidores da Kroton a divulgaçiio das seguintes informaçéles à CVM e aos demais 6rgàos competentes:

(i) OFI e OFIGItem sede registrada em Liberty Street. 225, Wo d Financial Center, Nova lorQue,

10080, Estados Unidos da


(ii) OFI and OFIDMF aggregated holdni gs added up to 18,373,508 common shares, representing approxlmately 4.55% of the total common shares issued by Kroton, as spe<:ified on item 1 above;
(iIi) lhe purpose of the above mentioned equity holdings is strlctly oflnvestmen,l and lhere ls nointention to change the contro! composition or the administrative
strucrure of Kroton;
(li) as participaçoes societarias delidas pela OFI e OFIDMF alcançaram de forma agregada
18.373.508 açoes ordinérias representando aproximadamente
4.55% do total de açòes ordinarias emitidas pela Kroton, conforme especificado noitem 1 acima;
(111) o objelivo das participaçoes societarias ac ma menclonadas é estritamente de investimento, nAo objetivando atteraçAo do conlrole aclonario ou da estrutura
administrativa da Kroton;


no debentures convertible, nor any other securities convertlble


na.o sào detidas, pela OFI e

OFDI MF, deMntures

into shares issued by Kroton are held by OFI and OFDI MF:and

oonversiveis em

quaisquer valores
açoes ou


conversrveis em açòes emitidos

pela Kroton;e
(v) no agreement or contraci regulatinglhe exerclse of voting righior the purchase and sale of securfties issued by Kroton were executed by OFI and OFIOMF.


niio foram celebrados,pela OFI e OFIDMF, quaisquer contratos ou acordos que regulem o exerclcio de diretio de voto ou a compra e venda de valores mobiliarios
emitidos pela Kroton.
Please do not hesitate to contaci us wihl any Permanecemos a disposiçAo para quaisquer further question or comment on the above. esclarecimentos ou comentarros adicionais que

julguem necessarios quanto ao assunto.

Yours failhfully/Atenciosamente,

Compliance Vice-President


distributed by