Microsoft Word - OptionExpiry-2March15 ASX RELEASE 2 MARCH 2015 EXPIRY UNLISTED OPTIONS

The Board of MOD Resources Limited (ASX: MOD) advises that 800,000 unlisted
$0.30 options exerciseable on or before 1 March 2015 have expired without exercise.

For further information, please contact: Mark Clements

Executive Chairman and Company Secretary
MOD Resources Limited Ph: (61 8) 9322 8233

MOD Resources Limited ABN 78 003 103 544 | First Floor, 1304 Hay Street, West Perth WA 6005 | PO Box 1927, West Perth WA 6872

ASX code: MOD | T +61 (8) 9322 8233 | F +61 (8) 9322 8077 | E |

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