31 January 2014

Company Announcements Office

Australian Securities Exchange

Quarterly Cash Flow Statement

Nanosonics Limited (ASX: NAN) has today released its Appendix 4C - Quarterly Cashflow

Report for the period ended 31 December 2013.

Sales for the quarter were $4.613 million, an increase of $1.379 million or 43% compared with sales generated during the corresponding quarter to 31 December 2012 ($3.234 million).

Sales for the six months to 31 December 2013 were $9.680 million, an increase of $5.260 million or 119% compared with sales generated during the corresponding half year to 31

December 2012 ($4.420 million).

The cash balance at the end of the quarter was $21.652 million compared to $22.145 million at the end of the September 2013 quarter.

A detailed review of the progress of the business will be provided in conjunction with the release of the Company's half year results in February 2014.

Michael Kavanagh

CEO / President

For more information please contact:

Michael Kavanagh, CEO / President or McGregor Grant, CFO, on (02) 8063 1600
Rebecca Wilson, Media Relations, Buchan Consulting on (03) 9866 4722

About Nanosonics

Nanosonics Limited is developing a portfolio of decontamination products designed to reduce the spread of infection. The Company owns intellectual property relating to a unique disinfection and sterilisation technology which can be suited to a variety of markets. Initial market applications are designed for the reprocessing of reusable medical instruments. The Company's first product is designed to disinfect Ultrasound Transducers. In parallel with the commercialisation of this product, Nanosonics is also developing other medical applications and exploring opportunities for its proprietary technology in other industries.

For more information about Nanosonics please visit www.nanosonics.com.au

Nanosonics Limited ABN 11 095 076 896 Unit 24 566 Gardeners Road, Alexandria NSW 2015 Australia

Tel: +61 2 8063 1600 Fax: +61 2 8063 1600 Email: info@nanosonics.com.au w: www.nanosonics.com.au


ABN Quarter ended ("current quarter")

11 095 076 896 31 December 2013 Consolidated statement of cash flows

Cash flows related to operating activities

1.1 Receipts from customers
1.2 Payments for
(a) staff costs
(b) operating expenses
(c) business development cost
(d) external consultants
(e) other, including working capital
1.3 Dividends received
1.4 Interest and other items of a similar nature received
1.5 Interest and other costs of finance paid
1.6 Income taxes refund received (paid)
1.7 Other (government grant income)

Net operating cash flows

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Nanosonics Limited ABN 11095076896

Unit 24, 566 Gardeners Road, Alexandria NSW 2015 P: +61 2 8063 1600 F: +61 2 9317 5010 W: www.nanosonics.com.au

Quarterly Report (4C Statement) for Quarter ended 31 December 2013

Current quarter


Year to date

(6 months)


1.8 Net operating cash flows (carried forward)



Cash flows related to investing activities

1.9 Payment for acquisition of: (a) businesses (item 5)

(b) equity investments

(c) intellectual property

(d) physical non-current assets

(e) other non-current assets

1.10 Proceeds from disposal of: (a) businesses (item 5)

(b) equity investments

(c) intellectual property

(d) physical non-current assets

(e) other non-current assets

1.11 Loans to other entities

1.12 Loans repaid by other entities

1.13 Other (provide details if material)

Net investing cash flows

1.14 Total operating and investing cash flows



- (178)












- (339)










Cash flows related to investing activities

1.9 Payment for acquisition of: (a) businesses (item 5)

(b) equity investments

(c) intellectual property

(d) physical non-current assets

(e) other non-current assets

1.10 Proceeds from disposal of: (a) businesses (item 5)

(b) equity investments

(c) intellectual property

(d) physical non-current assets

(e) other non-current assets

1.11 Loans to other entities

1.12 Loans repaid by other entities

1.13 Other (provide details if material)

Net investing cash flows

1.14 Total operating and investing cash flows



Cash flows related to investing activities

1.9 Payment for acquisition of: (a) businesses (item 5)

(b) equity investments

(c) intellectual property

(d) physical non-current assets

(e) other non-current assets

1.10 Proceeds from disposal of: (a) businesses (item 5)

(b) equity investments

(c) intellectual property

(d) physical non-current assets

(e) other non-current assets

1.11 Loans to other entities

1.12 Loans repaid by other entities

1.13 Other (provide details if material)

Net investing cash flows

1.14 Total operating and investing cash flows



Cash flows related to financing activities

1.15 Proceeds from issues of shares

1.16 Net proceeds from issue of convertible note

1.17 Proceeds from borrowings

1.18 Repayment of borrowings

1.19 Dividends paid

1.20 Capital raising costs recovered

Net financing cash flows



- (2)





- (3)



Cash flows related to financing activities

1.15 Proceeds from issues of shares

1.16 Net proceeds from issue of convertible note

1.17 Proceeds from borrowings

1.18 Repayment of borrowings

1.19 Dividends paid

1.20 Capital raising costs recovered

Net financing cash flows



Net increase (decrease) in cash held

1.21 Cash at beginning of quarter/year to date

1.22 Exchange rate adjustments to item 1.21

1.23 Cash at end of quarter





24,064 (110)

Net increase (decrease) in cash held

1.21 Cash at beginning of quarter/year to date

1.22 Exchange rate adjustments to item 1.21

1.23 Cash at end of quarter



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Nanosonics Limited ABN 11095076896

Unit 24, 566 Gardeners Road, Alexandria NSW 2015 P: +61 2 8063 1600 F: +61 2 9317 5010 W: www.nanosonics.com.au

Quarterly Report (4C Statement) for Quarter ended 31 December 2013 Payments to directors of the entity and associates of the directors Payments to related entities of the entity and associates of the related entities

Current quarter


1.24 Aggregate amount of payments to the parties included in item 1.2 (135)
1.25 Aggregate amount of loans to the parties included in item 1.11 -

1.26 Explanation necessary for an understanding of the transactions
Payments are for rent to, and various services provided by, director-related entities. Costs are determined on an arms length basis. Rent is at market rate determined by independent valuers.

Non-cash financing and investing activities

2.1 Details of financing and investing transactions which have had a material effect on consolidated assets and liabilities but did not involve cash flows

2.2 Details of outlays made by other entities to establish or increase their share in businesses in which the reporting entity has an interest

Financing facilities available

3.1 Loan facilities
3.2 Credit standby arrangements

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Nanosonics Limited ABN 11095076896

Unit 24, 566 Gardeners Road, Alexandria NSW 2015 P: +61 2 8063 1600 F: +61 2 9317 5010 W: www.nanosonics.com.au

Quarterly Report (4C Statement) for Quarter ended 31 December 2013 Reconciliation of cash

Reconciliation of cash at the end of the quarter (as shown in the consolidated statement of cash flows) to the related items in the accounts is as follows.

Acquisitions and disposals of business entities

5.1 Name of entity
5.2 Place of incorporation or registration
5.3 Consideration for
5.4 Total net assets
5.5 Nature of business

Compliance statement

1 This statement has been prepared under accounting policies which comply with accounting standards as defined in the Corporations Act (except to the extent that information is not required because of note 2) or other standards acceptable to ASX.
2 This statement does /does not* (delete one) give a true and fair view of the matters disclosed.
Sign here: Date: 31 January 2014
Print name: Michael Kavanagh
CEO/Managing Director

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Nanosonics Limited ABN 11095076896

Unit 24, 566 Gardeners Road, Alexandria NSW 2015 P: +61 2 8063 1600 F: +61 2 9317 5010 W: www.nanosonics.com.au

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