
Paris, April, 16th 2015


Preparation of Q1-15 financial disclosures: new quarterly series

Following the evolution in standards adopted for the 1Q15 financial disclosure and some change in organization since January 1st, 2015, the 2014 quarterly series have been restated:

Evolution of the standards applied:

(1) In accordance with our Common Equity Tier 1 target, as of the 1st quarter of 2015, the capital allocated to our businesses will be at 10% of the average Basel 3 risk weighted assets versus 9% previously. 2014 quarterly series have been restated on this new basis;

(2) As of January 1st, 2015, application of the IFRIC 21 interpretation «Levies» regarding the accounting for tax except the income tax. This implementation leads to register taxes concerned at the date of their event and not necessarily throughout the year. This new standard implies an increase in expenses level for the 1st quarter 2015 and a decrease for the same amount spread out to the three other quarters. These taxes are charged to our businesses. 2014 quarterly series have been restated with this new accounting rule;

(3) In accordance with the application of the IFRIC 21 interpretation, the accounting of the estimated contribution to the Single Resolution Fund will be registered in the first quarter of 2015 in the expenses of the Corporate Center. This item will not be charged to the business lines and will be treated as an exceptional item in the financial communication disclosure;

Evolution in the Wholesale Banking organization:

The new disclosure within the wholesale Banking division is mainly related to the creation of a new joint-venture, called SET (Strategic Equity Transaction), compound by some activities previously exercised by the Financing or the Equity businesses. SET develops solutions in equity positions management for clients. The net revenues of this joint- venture are split 50/50 between Structured financing and Equity business lines. 2014 quarterly series has been restated with this new agreement.

Appendices (non audited)

Appendix 1: Impact of the application of IFRIC 21 interpretation in expenses and net revenues

Appendix 2: 2014 quarterly series pro forma of the changes in standards and organization specified above

Appendix 1: Impact of the application of IFRIC 21 interpretation in expenses and net revenues Impact in expenses

in €m 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 2014

Wholesale Banking (34.4) 11.2 11.6 8.6 (3.0) Investment Solutions (10.5) 3.5 3.1 3.5 (0.4) Specialized Financial Services (7.4) 2.3 2.6 2.7 0.1
Financial Investments (3.0) 0.9 0.8 1.0 (0.2)

Corporate center (5.8) 2.0 1.6 2.2 (0.1)

Total Natixis (61.2) 20.0 19.7 18.0 (3.5)(1) Impact in net revenues

in €m 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 2014

Specialized Financial Services (Leasing) (2.0) 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0

Total Natixis (2.0) 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0

(1) Effect in the accounting of the social solidarity contribution (C3S tax) taken into account as of January 1st 2014


Appendix 2: 2014 quarterly series pro forma of the changes in standards and organization specified above Natixis Consolidated pro forma

in €m 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 2014

Net revenues 1,879 2,032 1,715 1,886 7,512

Expenses (1,386) (1,352) (1,283) (1,422) (5,442)

Gross operating income 492 681 433 464 2,069

Provision for credit losses (78) (85) (61) (78) (302) Associates 11 9 11 9 40
Gain or loss on other assets 0 (23) 88 13 78

Change in value of goodwill 0 (38) 0 (12) (51)

Pre-tax profit 425 543 471 396 1,834

Tax (148) (183) (151) (140) (623) Minority interest (7) (14) (27) (28) (76)

Net income (group share) 270 345 293 228 1,136 2014 Natixis pro forma results - breakdown by business division

in €m Wholesale



Solutions SFS

Fin. Invests.

Corp. Center

Natixis excl. GAPC


Natixis reported pro forma

Net revenues 2,804 2,822 1,266 830 (218) 7,505 7 7,512

Expenses (1,715) (2,004) (832) (693) (151) (5,395) (48) (5,442)

Gross operating

income 1,089 818 434 138 (368) 2,110 (41) 2,069

Provision for credit

losses (186) 5 (76) (10) (33) (300) (2) (302)

Net operating

income 903 823 359 127 (402) 1,810 (43) 1,767

Associates 21 17 0 2 0 40 0 40

Other items 0 (20) 15 (51) 82 27 0 27

Pre-tax profit 924 820 374 78 (319) 1,877 (43) 1,834

Tax (638) 15 (623)

Minority interest (76) 0 (76)

Net income (gs) excl. GAPC 1,164 Net income


GAPC net of tax (28)

Net income (gs) 1,136

(28) 1,136


Wholesale Banking

in €m 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 2014

Net revenues 732 763 680 629 2,804

Commercial Banking 102 100 101 114 416

Structured Financing 290 262 271 273 1,095

Capital Markets 349 384 314 249 1,296

Fixed Income & Treasury 233 249 224 164 871
Equity 116 135 89 85 425

Other (8) 16 (6) (7) (4)

Expenses (455) (422) (403) (435) (1,715)

Gross operating income 277 340 277 194 1,089

Provision for credit losses (52) (61) (24) (48) (186)

Net operating income 225 279 253 146 903

Associates 6 4 6 5 21

Other items 0 0 0 0 0

Pre-tax profit 231 283 260 151 924

Cost/Income ratio 62.1 % 55.4 % 59.2 % 69.1 % 61.2 % Cost/Income ratio excluding IFRIC 21 effect 57.4 % 56.8 % 61.0 % 70.5 % 61.1 %
RWA (Basel 3 - in €bn) 76.0 77.8 74.7 72.2 72.2
Normative capital allocation (Basel 3) 7,549 7,704 7,879 7,568 7,675
ROE after tax (Basel 3) 8.1 % 9.6 % 8.7 % 5.3 % 7.9 % ROE after tax (Basel 3) excluding IFRIC 21 effect 9.3 % 9.2 % 8.3 % 5.0 % 7.9 %


Investment Solutions

in €m 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 2014

Net revenues 648 711 690 773 2,822

Asset Management 489 527 523 599 2,137

Private Banking 31 33 31 33 128

Insurance 126 139 130 134 529

Expenses (486) (489) (480) (549) (2,004)

Gross operating income 163 222 210 223 818

Provision for credit losses 2 0 0 2 5

Net operating income 165 222 211 225 823

Associates 4 5 4 4 17

Other items (2) (10) (6) (3) (20)

Pre-tax profit 167 217 209 227 820

Cost/Income ratio

74.9 %

68.8 %

69.5 %

71.1 %

71.0 %

Cost/Income ratio excluding IFRIC 21 effect

73.3 %

69.3 %

70.0 %

71.5 %

71.0 %

RWA (Basel 3 - in €bn)






Normative capital allocation (Basel 3)






ROE after tax (Basel 3)

12.7 %

15.6 %

15.7 %

15.9 %

15.0 %

ROE after tax (Basel 3) excluding IFRIC 21 effect

13.5 %

15.3 %

15.4 %

15.7 %

15.0 %


Specialized Financial Services

in €m 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 2014

Net revenues 313 320 307 327 1,266

Specialized Financing 179 186 183 195 743

Factoring 37 36 23 37 133

Sureties & Financial Guarantees 32 37 31 34 133

Leasing 43 44 60 54 200

Consumer Financing 63 65 65 66 259

Film Industry Financing 4 5 4 4 18

Financial Services 133 133 124 132 524

Employee Savings Scheme 30 34 27 33 123

Payments 77 74 74 73 298

Securities Services 27 26 24 26 103

Expenses (214) (206) (200) (212) (832)

Gross operating income 99 113 107 115 434

Provision for credit losses (19) (16) (20) (22) (76)

Net operating income 80 98 88 94 359

Associates 0 0 0 0 0

Other items 0 0 17 (2) 15

Pre-tax profit 80 98 105 92 374

Cost/Income ratio 68.4 % 64.5 % 65.1 % 64.8 % 65.7 % Cost/Income ratio excluding IFRIC 21 effect 65.6 % 65.2 % 65.9 % 66.1 % 65.7 %
RWA (Basel 3 - in €bn) 13.9 14.1 13.5 14.4 14.4
Normative capital allocation (Basel 3) 1,698 1,639 1,661 1,600 1,650
ROE after tax (Basel 3) 12.0 % 15.3 % 16.2 % 14.5 % 14.5 % ROE after tax (Basel 3) excluding IFRIC 21 effect 13.4 % 14.9 % 15.8 % 13.8 % 14.5 %


Financial Investments

in €m 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 2014

Net revenues 213 212 209 196 830

Coface 178 171 171 168 689

Corporate data solutions 21 21 20 21 83

Others 14 20 18 6 58

Expenses (176) (170) (167) (180) (693)

Gross operating income 37 42 43 16 138

Provision for credit losses (2) (3) (2) (4) (10)

Net operating income 36 38 41 12 127

Associates 0 1 1 0 2

Other items 0 (38) 0 (12) (51)

Pre-tax profit 36 1 41 0 78 Corporate Center

in €m 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 2014

Net revenues (42) 35 (171) (39) (218) Expenses (40) (32) (33) (46) (151) Gross operating income (82) 3 (204) (85) (368)

Provision for credit losses (8) (3) (16) (7) (33) Net operating income (90) 0 (220) (92) (402) Associates 0 0 0 0 0

Other items 1 (14) 77 17 82

Pre-tax profit (89) (13) (143) (74) (319) CONTACTS:

INVESTOR RELATIONS: investorelations@natixis.com
Pierre-Alexandre Pechmeze T + 33 1 58 19 57 36
François Courtois T + 33 1 58 19 36 06
Souad Ed Diaz
Brigitte Poussard
T + 33 1 58 32 68 11
T + 33 1 58 55 59 21


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