NFC smart products
Good for the consumer, good for the brand

When physical products that don't traditionally have built-in electronics, such as dresses and wine bottles, connect to cloud-based functionality, through the use of NFC tags and a user's mobile device, these physical products become part of the Internet of Everything, and can deliver valuable benefits to both the consumer and the brand owner.

  • One-to-one customer interactions
    Brand owners can supply context-sensitive information, based on store location or the time of day. After the purchase, consumers can receive additional customized content, including specific warranty programs, exclusive offers, social media, feedback forms, and more.
  • Location-based marketing
    Brands can gather customer locations (based on cell-phone tower or GPS) and then send highly targeted on-the-spot information, or they can use "geo-fencing" to set triggers when a device enters or exits a particular location.
  • Enhanced personalization and loyalty programs
    Brands can offer a value exchange, in the form of a voucher or special offer, to request personal data, such as contact details or preferences. Customers can create personal histories for the things they own, or can be invited to participate in loyalty programs.

On-demand product authentication and traceability
The NFC tag makes it possible to verify authenticity and trace a product's history, so consumers can be assured that the product they're considering is genuine. Shoppers become partners in the battle against counterfeits, since they can authenticate a product at any time, and from anywhere. Traceability can also make the product more engaging, linking a bottle of wine with its vintner, or a dress to its designer.

For the consumer, the cloud-enabled NFC interaction leads to deeper engagement, unique experiences, contextually relevant information, and more personalized service. For the brand owner, the interaction generates real-time data about product transactions and consumer activity, and this data can be used to refine marketing campaigns, while making operations more efficient.

Three real-world examples

Forward-thinking brand owners are moving quickly to introduce products with NFC connectivity and applications. Here are three that speak for themselves:

Learn more

For more examples of how cloud-enabled NFC can create new and different experiences throughout the purchase journey, check out this short animated video.

You can also find the first part of this blog, 'It's personal - deeper brand relationships with NFC and Cloud' here.

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