ASX Announcement Hides F1 Drilling Update

6 March 2015

ExxonMobil PNG Limited, operator of the PNG LNG Project, has advised that the Hides F1 (Hides Deep) well has reached a total depth of 4,633 metres. Substantial sand intervals were encountered in the exploration target, the Koi-Iange interval, but formation evaluation information confirms that the sands are water-bearing. The exploration component of the well will now be abandoned and the development section completed as a gas producer for the PNG LNG Project.

PETER BOTTEN, CBE Managing Director For further information please contact:

Ann Diamant
Group Manager, Investor Relations
Tel: +61 8207 8440
Mob: +61 407 483 128

Oil Search Limited

Incorporated in Papua New Guinea ARBN 055 079 868

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Sydney NSW 2000


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