July 9, 2014


Corporate Communications public_relations@ono.co.jp

OnoEntersintotheCollaborationAgreem enwt iththeUniversityoTf okyo regardingAccesstoOno'sCompoundLibrary

Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Osaka, Japan, "Ono") announced today that it has entered into a collaboration agreement with the University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan, the "UTokyo") that will provide researchers from academia and institutions, through the UTokyo's Open Innovation Center for Drug Discovery (OCDD), with access to Ono's compound library.
The program has been run by UTokyo for several years now with the library consisting of more than 210,000 compounds that is managed by the OCDD. It had not been easy for researchers at academia and institutions in Japan to conduct the large scale screening, and the program is to offer them the opportunity of compound screening to that extent of compound library and to support their efforts to identify therapeutically active compounds.
Adding Ono's proprietary compounds to OCDD's library would make it available for researchers across Japan to conduct drug discovery research in more practical manner. We expect that the open innovation with academia from very early stage of drug discovery would facilitate creation of discovery seeds and further lead to development and commercialization of a drug candidate in the future.

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