
Current report no. 4/2015
March 3, 2015
Subject: List of information disclosed to the public in 2014
Legal grounds: Article 65.1 of the Act on Public Offering - list of information disclosed to the public
"Orbis" S.A. hereby presents the list of all reports disclosed to the public in 2014, referred to in Article 56 section 1 of the Act of July 29, 2005, on Public Offering and Conditions of Introducing Financial Instruments into Organized Trading and Public Companies. The information is available at "Orbis" S.A. website at: www.orbis.pl.

"Orbis" S.A., ul. Bracka 16, 00-028 Warsaw, registered in the District Court for the Capital City of
Warsaw, XII Commercial Division, National Court Register [KRS], Register of Business Operators no. 0000022622, share capital of PLN 92,154,016 (paid-up in full), tax identification number NIP 526-025-04-69.

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