(Company Registration Number 197902647M)
(Incorporated with limited liability in the Republic of Singapore on 5 September 1979)


1.1 The board of directors (the "Board") of Otto Marine Limited (the "Company" and together with its subsidiaries the "Group") refers to the announcement made by the Company on 14
November 2011, with regard to the unaudited financial results for the third quarter ended 30
September 2011 (the "Third Quarter Results").
1.2 In connection with the Third Quarter Results, the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (the "SGX-ST") raised some queries on 24 November 2011. The Company is pleased to set out the responses to the queries raised by SGX-ST below.

2. Response to SGX-ST Queries

2.1 SGX -ST's Query
Please elaborate on the nature of the loan receivables (balance sheet item) on Page 3.

Company's Response

The loan receivables pertain mainly to loans extended to outside parties, who are also investee companies, and an associate. It also includes an amount with extended credit term granted to a customer with interest.
2.2 SGX -ST's Query
Regarding the loans extend to the outside party, please provide us details on the outstanding amount to date.

Company's Response

The loans extended to the outside parties, who are also investee companies, amounted to S$40.1 million as at 30 September 2011.
2.3 SGX -ST's Query
Regarding the loan extended to the associate, it was stated in FY2010 Annual Report that it is fully repayable in June 2011. Please provide an update if it has been fully repaid.

Company's Response

The tenure of the loan given to the associate has been extended to 30 June 2012.
2.4 SGX -ST's Query
Regarding an amount granted to a customer with an extended credit period and hence classified as loan as part of the loan receivables, please provide us details of this loan, the length of the current extended credit period, amount outstanding and the Company's credit policy.

Company's Response

This amount with an extended credit granted to a customer of S$5.9 million, bears interest at 2.5% per annum and is repayable in sixteen quarterly instalments of US$0.1m commencing August 2014 and US$2.9m with the last instalment. This relates to the shipbuilding segment. Typically, there are no credit terms for shipbuilding customers. As disclosed on Page 78 of the FY2010 annual report of the Company, since 2009, as a result of the credit crunch, the Group agreed certain settlement arrangement with their associates, after evaluating the credit standing of these associates. The average credit term on ship repair, conversion, chartering, leasing, geophysical and subsea services to customer is 30 days.
2.5 SGX -ST's Query
Refer page 5 of the 3Q results, Cash Flow Statement. Please explain what does the
S$ (6,358K) of loans receivables under 'Investing Activities' arise from.

Company's Response

This S$6.4 million of loans receivables under "Investing activities" in the Cash Flow Statement for Third Quarter Results relates to the amount with an extended credit granted to a customer, after factoring the translational difference caused by the average foreign exchange rate for the 3 months ended 30 September 2011 and the balance sheet rate for the movement in the United States Dollar vis-à-vis the Singapore Dollar.
2.6 SGX -ST's Query
We noted the Company's reply regarding the nature and purpose of the Derivative Financial
Instruments. Please address the following in the announcement:-
(a) to elaborate on the hedging policy of the Company;
(b) to advise whether the Company has sought approval from the Board of Directors on the Company's hedging policy;
(c) to advise whether the Company has put in place adequate procedures in relation to its hedging practices, and to furnish information on such procedures; and
(d) to advise whether the Audit Committee has reviewed the hedging instruments, process and practices in accordance with the Company's hedging policy.

Company's Response

(a) As disclosed on page 69 of the Company's prospectus dated 21 Nov
2008, the Company has not adopted a formal policy to hedge its foreign exchange risk but may from time to time use foreign currency forward contract to manage its
exposure. The Company will monitor its foreign exchange exposure and will take appropriate measures to hedge its exposure if required.
Since 2008, the Company has used other financial instruments such as cross currency swaps and interest rate swaps to hedge its currency and interest rate exposure and no formal policy has been adopted.
(b) Please refer to response in (a) above. The Company does not have a formal hedging policy. However, the Company has approval from the Audit Committee and the Board for the hedging procedures and processes.
(c) Foreign exchange contracts
The procedures on foreign currency hedging was tabled and reviewed by the Audit Committee in the meeting of August 2009. Prior to entering into a foreign exchange contract, the treasurer analyses the projected cash flows with regards to currency, amounts and timing. Based on the analysis, a report is presented to the executive directors of the Company. The executive directors then determine the currency, amounts and time frame for each foreign exchange forward contract. Quotes for forward rates are obtained from at least 2 institutions. The recommended quote from treasury is approved by at least one executive director of the Company before entering into the contract.

Interest rate swap

In May 2009, the Group reviewed the interest rates exposure on all the long-term borrowings which are on variable interest rates. In the Audit Committee meeting held in May 2009, it was decided that the Group should lock the interest rate for 4 years by entering into interest rate swaps to swap variable interest rates for fixed interest rates for its long-term borrowings.


The Group completed its medium term notes ("MTN") exercise in May 2010. The MTN is repayable in Singapore dollars while the cash flow for the Group from external parties are mainly denominated in United States dollars and Euro. As a result, the cross currency swap contract with similar maturity and amount was entered into. Concurrent with the approval of the MTN prior to issuance, the Board has approved the cross currency swap in April 2010.
(d) Please refer to the Company's response in (c) above.
By Order of the Board
See Kian Heng
Chief Financial Officer & Company Secretary
25 September 2011

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Documents associés
Responses To SGX-St Queries In Respect Of Third Quarter Results