Gödöllő beolvadása


Budapest, 1 December 2015

Merger of Gödöllő Geothermal Ltd. into DoverDrill Ltd.

PannErgy Plc. hereby advises the actors of the capital markets about the corporate merger between its subsidiaries

As per the decision of PannErgy Geothermal Plc. (registered seat: 1117 Budapest, Budafoki street 56.; company registration number: 01-10-046521) as the owner and as per the related order of the Court of Company Registration of Miskolc, DoverDrill Ltd. (registered seat: 3534 Miskolc, Gagarin street 52.; company registration number: 05-09- 024816) and Gödöllő Geothermal Ltd. (registered seat: 2100 Gödöllő, Szabadság street 1- 2.; company registration number: 13-10-041101) has merged with the effective date of 30 November 2015, based on the Civil Code paragraph 3:44.§ (1) and on the Act CLXXVI. of 2013 paragraph 2.§. (1) about the alteration of certain legal entities, mergers and demergers.

In accordance with Civil Code paragraph 3:44.§ (1) the method of merger is fusion, by Gödöllő Geothermal Ltd. as merging company is merging into DoverDrill Ltd. as the takeover company. By this merger, Gödöllő Geothermal Ltd. is terminated and the general legal successor is the takeover company, DoverDrill Ltd.

After the merger, DoverDrill Ltd. as the legal successor continues to operate unchanged as a limited company.

This announcement is published in Hungarian and English languages. In case of any contradiction between these two versions, the Hungarian version shall prevail.

PannErgy Nyrt.

PannErgy Nyrt.

H-1117 Budapest, Budafoki út 56. A lh. IV. em. Hungary

South Buda Business Park

Cégjegyzékszám / Registered number: 01-10-041618 Telefon: +36 1 323 2383; Fax: +36 1 323 2373

Adószám / VAT reg. number: 10558377-2-43 EU adóigazgatási szám / EU VAT reg. number: HU10558377

MKB BANK SWIFT: MKKBHUHB HUF IBAN: HU87 1030 0002 1000 8978 4902 0013

EUR IBAN: HU16 1030 0002 1000 8978 4882 0016

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