Microsoft Word - 2015_07_16_ENG.doc


Internal Dealing Announcement

Parmalat S.p.A. communicates to have received Internal Dealing disclosure model referred to the art. 152-octies, of the Consob Issuers Regulations in which Sofil S.a.s. informs to have bought globally n. 2,346,959 shares of Parmalat. Consequently, the Shareholders' percentage is equal to
86.31% of the current share capital.
The announcement will be published on the Company website at the following addresses:
Collecchio, July 16th, 2015
Parmalat S.p.A.

Parmalat S.p.A. Sede: Via delle Nazioni Unite, 4 43044 Collecchio (Parma) Italia Tel.+39.0521.8081 Fax +39.0521.808322

Cap. Soc. €1.835.582.979 i.v. R.E.A. Parma n. 228069 Reg. Imprese Parma n. 04030970968 Cod. Fisc. e P. IVA n. 04030970968

Società soggetta a direzione e coordinamento di B.S.A. S.A.

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