Warsaw, July 17th 2015
President of URE's decision on Gas Fuel Supply Tariffs
Current Report No. 59/2015
The Management Board of Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo S.A. ('PGNiG') has been notified of the approval of the new PGNiG Gas Fuel Supply Tariff No. 8/2015 ('Wholesale Tariff') by President of the Energy Regulatory Office's ('President of URE') decision of July 17th 2015.
Due to the persistently low prices of crude oil and relatively low prices of natural gas across wholesale markets in north-western Europe, PGNiG's total cost of gas fell below the cost assumed in the calculations of the existing Tariff.
Therefore, the average trading price of gas fuel has been reduced by 5.0% for high-methane gas and by 4.9% for nitrogen-rich gas.
The Tariff will remain valid until December 31st 2015.
For detailed information, see PGNiG Gas Fuel Supply Tariff No. 8/2015 approved under President of URE's Decision No. DRG-4212-17(12)/2015/652/VIII/KS available from www.ure.gov.pl and published in Biuletyn Branżowy URE - Paliwa gazowe (the URE official gazette - Gas fuels) No. 38 (826) of July 17th 2015.
PGNiG also operates a discount scheme for its largest and wholesale customers, which will remain in effect until the end of 2016 or, if earlier, until the obligation to submit wholesale gas tariffs for regulatory approval is abolished. The discount amount is indexed to prices on the Polish Power Exchange and depends on the volume and stability of consumption.

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