In fulfilment of the requirements of article 130 of the Regolamento Emittenti (Consob Issuers Regulation) 11971/99 herewith attached are extracts, updated to October 6th, 2015, of the following shareholders’ agreements that regard Pirelli & C. Spa:

  • Shareholders’ Agreements between China National Chemical Corporation, China National Tire & Rubber Corporation, Ltd., CNRC International Limited (HK), CNRC International Holding (HK) Limited, Fourteen Sundew S.à r.l., Camfin S.p.A., Coinv S.p.A., e Long-Term Investments Luxembourg S.A. e LTI Holding S.r.l..
  • Shareholders’ agreement between UniCredit S.p.A., Manzoni Sr.l., Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. e Nuove Partecipazioni S.p.A.
  • Shareholders’ agreement between Coinv S.p.A. e Long-Term Investments Luxembourg S.A..

The extracts are also available on the Pirelli website

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