Randon informs its performance expectations for 2014

2014 Indicators - Guidance

Please see below the Company`s main performance projection for 2014. These indicators are validated by Randon`s strategic planning and are backed by assessing macroeconomic scenarios of both, Brazil and those of the countries the Company operates with. Also taken into account are indicators of the sector, automotive industry and market behavior in the Company`s business segments.

Total Gross Revenue - R$ 6.3 billion

Consolidated Net Revenue - R$ 4.4 billion

Investments -R$ 150 million

Exports -US$ 260 million

Revenues originated from Foreign Operations - US$ 90 million

Imports -US$ 110 million

Caxias do Sul, January 23, 2014.

Randon S.A. Implementos e Participações
Geraldo Santa Catharina

Investor Relations Director

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