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(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 1928)


The board of directors (the 'Board') of Sands China Ltd. (the 'Company') hereby announces that Mr. Robert Glen Goldstein ('Mr. Goldstein'), the Interim President and an executive director of the Company ('Executive Director'), will be re-designated as a non-executive director of the Company ('Non-Executive Director') and cease to be the Interim President, in each case, with effect from November 1, 2015.

Biographical information of Mr. Goldstein includes the following:

Mr. Robert Glen Goldstein

Mr. Robert Glen Goldstein, aged 60, is currently our Interim President, Executive Director and a member of the Sands China Capital Expenditure Committee of the Company ('CAPEX Committee') since March 6, 2015. He is also a director of one of our Macao subsidiaries and the senior vice president of one of our U.S. subsidiaries. Mr. Goldstein has been the President and Chief Operating Officer of Las Vegas Sands Corp. ('LVS') and Las Vegas Sands, LLC since January 1, 2015 and a Class III director of LVS since January 29, 2015. Mr. Goldstein served as a Non- Executive Director of the Company since May 30, 2014 to March 5, 2015, and was subsequently re- designated as an Executive Director with effect from March 6, 2015. Prior to 2015, he was LVS' Executive Vice President and President of Global Gaming Operations since 2011. Prior to joining LVS in 1995, Mr. Goldstein was involved in casino-hotel developments in the United States and the Caribbean. Since joining LVS, he has played a key role in the development of The Venetian and The Palazzo in Las Vegas. Mr. Goldstein was also the President and the Chief Operating Officer of The Venetian and The Palazzo in Las Vegas from their opening to 2011. His current primary focus at LVS is overseeing all aspects of the company's operations in the United States, Macao and Singapore. Mr. Goldstein holds a Bachelor of Arts, History and Political Science, Magna Cum Laude, from the University of Pittsburgh and a Juris Doctorate from the Temple University School of Law. In 1980, he became a member of the Pennsylvania Bar Association. Mr. Goldstein has also been a director of Remark Media, Inc., a company listed on The National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ), since May 2013.

Mr. Goldstein will serve as a Non-Executive Director of the Company for a term of three years commencing from November 1, 2015. He is subject to retirement by rotation and re-election at the annual general meeting of the Company in accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company.

As at the date of this announcement, Mr. Goldstein did not have any interest in the shares or underlying shares of the Company but had interest of 2,714,254 shares or underlying shares in LVS (as associated corporation of the Company) within the meaning of Part XV of Securities and Futures Ordinance (the 'SFO') as recorded in the register required to be kept under Section 352 of Part XV of the SFO or as otherwise notified to the Company and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the 'Stock Exchange') pursuant to the Model Code for Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed Issuers set out in Appendix 10 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange (the 'Listing Rules').

LVS currently controls approximately 70.12 per cent of the voting rights in the Company and is therefore a controlling shareholder of the Company.

Mr. Goldstein does not currently receive any director's fees/emoluments for services provided to the Company in his capacity as the Interim President, an Executive Director and a member of the CAPEX Committee and will not receive any director's fees/emoluments for services provided to the Company in his capacity as a Non-Executive Director. However, Mr. Goldstein will receive emoluments (inclusive of share-based compensation) from LVS for his services to the Company's group for the year ending December 31, 2015 based on an actual time-spent basis.

Save as disclosed above, Mr. Goldstein (i) does not currently hold any other position with the Company and other members of the Company's group; (ii) does not have any relationship with any other directors, senior management or substantial or controlling shareholders of the Company; (iii) has not held any directorship in the last three years in any public companies the securities of which are listed on any securities market in Hong Kong or overseas; and (iv) does not have other major appointments and professional qualifications.

Save for the information disclosed above, there is no information of Mr. Goldstein which is discloseable pursuant to any of the requirements under Rules 13.51(2)(h) to 13.51(2)(v) of the Listing Rules, and there are no other matters relating to the re-designation of Mr. Goldstein that need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company.

By order of the Board

SANDS CHINA LTD. Dylan James Williams

Company Secretary

Macao, October 16, 2015

As at the date of this announcement, the directors of the Company are:

Executive Directors: Sheldon Gary Adelson Robert Glen Goldstein Toh Hup Hock

Non-Executive Directors: Michael Alan Leven Charles Daniel Forman

Independent Non-Executive Directors:

Iain Ferguson Bruce Chiang Yun

David Muir Turnbull Victor Patrick Hoog Antink Steven Zygmunt Strasser

In case of any inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version of this announcement, the English version shall prevail.

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