Microsoft Word - 再依頼 2015適時開示英語_eng_150205.docx

February 5, 2015
Company name Sapporo Holdings Limited
Representative Tsutomu Kamijo
President and Representative Director
Securities code 2501
Listed on Tokyo Stock Exchange
Sapporo Securities Exchange
Inquires Toshihiko Umezato
Director, Corporate Communications Department
Tel.:+81 3-5423-7407

Sapporo Holdings Revises Consolidated Full-Year Earnings Forecast

Sapporo Holdings has revised its earnings forecast for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2014, issued on
August 5, 2014, in light of the recent trend in business results and other factors as detailed below.

1) Revision of consolidated full-year earnings forecast for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2014

(January 1 to December 31, 2014)
(millions of yen, except percentages and per-share data)



Net income per

Net sales income income Net income share (yen)

Previous forecast (A) 537,700 15,000 13,600 (2,000) (5.13) Current forecast (B) 518,700 14,700 14,500 300 0.77

Change (B-A) (19,000) (300) 900 2,300

Percent change (3.5%) (2.0%) 6.6% -

For reference:

Results for the fiscal year ended

509,834 15,344 15,130 9,451 24.20

December 31, 2013

2) Reason for revision

Sapporo Holdings expects its consolidated net income for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2014, to exceed the previously issued forecast, on account of an improvement in net financial expenses, increase in foreign exchange gains and resultant hike in ordinary income, as well as the recognition of extraordinary gains from sales of property, plant and equipment and other extraordinary items.
Note: The above forecast and other forward-looking statements are based on information available as of the date of this document's preparation. Actual results may differ from those expressed or implied by forward-looking statements due to various factors.

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