Partial Determination of Details of Issuance of Stock Acquisition Rights (Stock Options with Charge)

October 31, 2014
SBI Holdings, Inc. (TOKYO: 8473)

Partial Determination of Details of Issuance of Stock Acquisition Rights (Stock Options with Charge)

SBI Holdings, Inc. ("SBIH") hereby announces that today it partially finalized the details of the stock acquisition rights (the "Stock Acquisition Rights") to be issued with charge to directors and employees of SBIH and its subsidiaries, in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Directors' meet ing held on October 30,
2014, as follows.
1. Payment of Money in Exchange for Stock Acquisition Rights
The amount to be paid for the exercise of one Stock Acquisition Right: JPY 1,518
The amount is equivalent to the value of the Stock Acquisition Rights calculated using a method based on the generalized Black-Scholes model, a generally accepted valuation method, based on the closing price of SBIH's common stock on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on October 31, 2014 of JPY 1,247 per share, share price volatility (annual rate) of 47.1%, dividend rate (annual rate) of 2.0%, risk-f ree rate (annual rate) of
0.1%, and conditions stipulated in the "Outline of Issuance of the Stock Acquisition Rights" (exercise price
of JPY 1,247 per share, maturity of 3.6 years, and exercise conditions).
2. Asset Value Contributed through the Exercise of the Stock Acquisition Rights
The exercise price: JPY 1,247
The exercise price is equivalent to the closing price of SBIH's common stock on the Tokyo Stock Exchange
on October 31, 2014.
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SBI Holdings, Inc. Corporate Communications Dept., Tel: +81 3 6229-012

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