Excellent growing conditions delivered a record breaking olive crop in Tunisia this year. As a result, exports have soared.

Estimated olive oil production for Tunisia this year is estimated at 300,000 MT compared to an average of 120,000 MT, some 60-70% of which will be exported to the EU. Major export markets for Tunisian olive oil include Spain and Italy. Most of the volume will be exported in bulk.

In Tunisia, SGS has developed expert olive services along the whole supply chain. Our services start in the field, where we offer fertigation monitoring services for modern olive tree plantations. At mills and bottling facilities, we offer testing for chemical and organoleptic parameters, and finally, at export, we inspect tanks and containers, and supervise loading operations, including quantity and quality certification.

We inspect a high proportion of Tunisia's olive oil exports for quantity and quality.

SGS Tunisia's dedicated olive oil laboratory is uniquely qualified to serve the country's olive oil producers and exporters. It is ISO 17025 accredited and approved by the International Olive Oil Council (IOOC) as a recognised testing laboratory for the international trade of olive oil. In addition, Tunisia's government has recently approved this laboratory to perform official quality control on olive oil exports.

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