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Shanghai Jin Jiang International Hotels (Group) Company Limited*

上 海 錦 江 國 際 酒 店( 集 團 )股 份 有 限 公 司

(a joint stock company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 02006)





This announcement is made pursuant to Part XIVA of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of Laws of Hong Kong) and Rule 13.09 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the ''Listing Rules'').

Reference is made to the announcements published by Shanghai Jin Jiang International Hotels (Group) Company Limited (the ''Company'') on 30 October 2015 and 20 November 2015, respectively, in relation to, among other things, the proposed private placing of shares and the entering into of the ''conditional private placing share subscription agreement'' by Shanghai Jin Jiang International Hotels Development Company Limited (''Jin Jiang Hotels Development''), which is a joint stock limited company established in the People's Republic of China (the ''PRC'') with its A shares and B shares listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and being a subsidiary of the Company, as well as the approval in principle of its proposed private placing of shares by the State-owned Asset Supervision and Administration Commission of Shanghai Municipal Government.

The board of directors (the ''Board'') of the Company is pleased to announce that on 27 November 2015, Jin Jiang Hotels Development published an announcement in relation to its fourth extraordinary general meeting in 2015 on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The main contents are as follows: Jin Jiang Hotels Development convened its fourth extraordinary general meeting in 2015 on 27 November 2015, at which, among other things, the resolutions for the proposed private placing of shares and the entering into of the ''conditional private placing share subscription agreement'' were considered and approved.

The proposed private placing of shares by Jin Jiang Hotels Development is subject to approval of the Ministry of Commerce of the PRC and sanction by the China Securities Regulatory Commission and therefore may or may not proceed. Shareholders of the Company and public investors should exercise caution when dealing in the Company's shares. The Board will make further announcement(s) on any progress in relation to the proposed private placing of shares by Jin Jiang Hotels Development in due course pursuant to the relevant requirements of the Listing Rules.

For further details of the proposed private placing of Jin Jiang Hotels Development, please visit the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse.com.cn).

By Order of the Board

Shanghai Jin Jiang International Hotels (Group) Company Limited Kang Ming

Executive Director and Joint Company Secretary

Shanghai, the PRC, 27 November 2015

As at the date of this announcement, the executive directors of the Company are Mr. Yu Minliang, Ms. Guo Lijuan, Mr. Chen Liming, Mr. Xu Ming, Mr. Zhang Qian, Mr. Zhang Xiaoqiang, Mr. Han Min and Mr. Kang Ming; and the independent non-executive directors of the Company are Mr. Ji Gang, Dr. Rui Mingjie, Dr. Tu Qiyu, Dr. Xu Jianxin, Mr. Xie Hongbing and Dr. He Jianmin.

* The Company is registered as a non-Hong Kong company as defined in the Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622 of the Laws of Hong Kong) under its Chinese name and the English name ''Shanghai Jin Jiang International Hotels (Group) Company Limited''.

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