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(Stock Code: 00604) DATE OF BOARD MEETING

Shenzhen Investment Limited (the "Company") hereby announces that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on Monday, 31st March, 2014 for the purpose of approving the release of, inter alia, the audited financial results of the Company and its subsidiaries for the year ended 31st December, 2013 and considering the payment of a final dividend, if any.

On behalf of Shenzhen Investment Limited LU Hua


Hong Kong, 19th day of March, 2014.

As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises 9 directors, of which Mr. LU Hua, Mr. GAO Shengyuan, Mr. MOU Yong and Mr. LIU Chong are the executive directors of the Company, Dr. WU Jiesi and Mr. HUANG Yige are the non-executive directors of the Company and Mr. WU Wai Chung, Michael, Mr. LI Wai Keung and Dr. WONG Yau Kar David are the independent non-executive directors of the Company.

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