(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)


Stock code ٰ΅˾໮j 813

23 April 2018

Dear Non-registered Shareholder(s),

Notification of publication of 2017 Annual Report, Circular dated 23 April 2018 in relation to General Mandates to Issue and Buy Back Shares, Re-election of Retiring Directors and Notice of Annual General Meeting (collectively the "Current Corporate Communications")

We hereby notify you that the Current Corporate Communications of Shimao Property Holdings Limited (the "Company"), in both English and Chinese versions, are now available on the Company's website atwww.shimaoproperty.com. You may access the 2017 Annual Report under the Investor Relations section and the Circular dated 23 April 2018 (which includes the notice of annual general meeting) under the Announcements/Press Center section, of the Company's website.

If you wish to receive the printed copies of the Current Corporate Communications, please complete the request form (the "Request Form") (at the back of this letter) and return it to the Company's branch share registrar and transfer office in Hong Kong, Tricor Investor Services Limited by post (using the mailing label provided) or by email atshimao-ecom@hk.tricorglobal.com. The printed copies of the Current Corporate Communications will be sent to you free of charge upon receipt of your request.

Please note that by completing and returning the Request Form (at the back of this letter) to request for the printed copies of the Current Corporate Communications to Tricor Investor Services Limited, you will expressly indicate that you prefer to receive all future Corporate Communications(Note) of the Company in printed form.

Should you have any queries relating to this letter, please contact Customer Service Hotline of Tricor Investor Services Limited at (852) 2980 1333 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday (excluding Hong Kong public holidays).

Yours faithfully,

Lam Yee Mei, Katherine Company Secretary

Note: Corporate Communication refers to any document issued or to be issued by the Company for information or action of holders of securities of the Company, including but not limited to annual report, summary financial report (where applicable), interim report, summary interim report (where applicable), quarterly report, notice of meeting, listing document and circular.


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ΐЗڢ೮াٰ؇ ʮ̡।ࣣ ؍ၥᑢ ᔫ઼


2018 ϋ 4 ˜ 23 ˚

ڝൗj ʮ̡ஷৃܸ͉͟ʮ̡೯̈אਗ਼ʚ೯̈˸Զ͉ʮ̡ᗇՎܵϞɛਞ๫אમ՟Бਗٙ΂О˖΁dՉʕܼ̍Шʔࠢ׵ϋజe ৌਕ࿜ࠅజѓ€νቇ͜eʕಂజѓeʕಂ࿜ࠅజѓ€νቇ͜e֙ܓజѓeึᙄஷѓeɪ̹˖΁ʿஷՌf



Shimao Property Holdings Limited (the "Company") (Stock Code: 813)


c/o Tricor Investor Services Limited Level 22, Hopewell Centre

183 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong

˰߱גήପછٰϞࠢʮ̡€˜͉ʮ̡™ €ٰ΅˾໮j 813 ຾ՙԳᗇՎ೮াϞࠢʮ̡ ࠰ಥެΧɽ༸؇ 183 ໮ Υձʕː 22

I/We would like to receive the current and all future Corporate Communications(Note 1) of the Company in printed form(Note 2).

͉ɛŊшഃࠅӋ॰՟͉ʮ̡݊ϣʿהϞ˚ܝʮ̡ஷৃ €ڝ ൗ 1 ʘΙՏ͉

€ڝ ൗ 2f

Name(s) of Non-registered



Signature: ᖦ໇j

(Please use ENGLISH BLOCK LETTERS ሗ͜ߵ˖ฺ͍෬ᄳ)

Contact Telephone Number: ᑌഖཥ༑໮ᇁj

Date: ˚ಂj

Notes: ڝൗj

  • 1. Corporate Communication refers to any document issued or to be issued by the Company for information or action of holders of securities of the Company, including but not limited to annual report, summary financial report (where applicable), interim report, summary interim report (where applicable), quarterly report, notice of meeting, listing document and circular.


    ( νቇ͜ ) eʕಂజѓeʕಂ࿜ࠅజѓ€νቇ͜e֙ܓజѓeึᙄஷѓeɪ̹˖΁ʿஷՌf

  • 2. By completing and returning this Request Form to the Company's branch share registrar and transfer office in Hong Kong, Tricor Investor Services Limited by post (using the mailing label as indicated below) or by email atshimao-ecom@hk.tricorglobal.com, to request for a printed copy of the above Corporate Communication, you have expressly indicated that you prefer to receive all future Corporate Communications of the Company in printed form.

    ຅ტɨ෬ᄳʿҪϤ͡ሗڌࣸ੔Ϋ͉ʮ̡ʘٰ΅ཀ˒ʿ೮া࠰ಥʱஈՙԳᗇՎ೮াϞࠢʮ̡€ܲɨࠑʘܸͪԴ͜ඉ੔ᅺᜀא຾ཥඉ Їshimao-ecom@hk.tricorglobal.com d˸॰՟ɪࠑʮ̡ஷৃٙΙՏ͉ܝdу׼ᆽڌͪტɨᆽႩᏝϗ՟͉ʮ̡הϞ˚ܝʮ̡ஷৃʘΙՏ͉f

Mailing Label ඉ੔ᅺᜀ

Please cut the mailing label and stick this on an envelope to return this Form to us.

No postage stamp is required for local mailing

຅ტɨ੔ΫϤڌࣸࣛdሗਗ਼Ϥඉ੔ᅺᜀ਒൨׵ڦ܆ɪf νί͉ಥҳ੔dۆˡ඲൨ɪඉୃ

Tricor Investor Services Limited ՙԳᗇՎ೮াϞࠢʮ̡

Freepost No. ᔊکΫඉ໮ᇁj 37

Hong Kong ࠰ಥ


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Shimao Property Holdings Limited published this content on 20 April 2018 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 20 April 2018 09:56:01 UTC