Microsoft Word - 20150220_Amendment to the Shelf Registration Statement.doc [COVER]

Document to be filed: Amendment to the Shelf Registration Statement
Filed with: Director of Kanto Finance Bureau
Date of filing: February 10, 2015
Name of Issuer: Shiseido Company, Limited
Name and title of Representative: Masahiko Uotani
President & CEO (Representative Director)
Place at which the head office is located: 5-5, Ginza 7-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Telephone number: 03 (3572) 5111
Administrative person to contact: Kimitoshi Sato
Deputy General Manager, Financial Department
Nearest contact address: 6-2, Higashi-Shimbashi 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Telephone number: 03 (6218) 5490
Administrative person to contact: Kimitoshi Sato
Deputy General Manager, Financial Department
Type of securities to be offered for subscription
subject to Shelf Registration: Bonds
Date of filing of Shelf Registration Statement: April 15, 2014
Effective date of Shelf Registration Statement: April 23, 2014
Date of expiration of Shelf Registration
Statement: April 22, 2016
Shelf registration number: 26- Kanto 48
Scheduled aggregate amount of the issue or upper limit on the aggregate outstanding
amount of the issue: 120,000 million yen
Aggregate available amount for the issue: 120,000 million yen
(120,000 million yen)
Note: The aggregate available amount for the issue is calculated based on the total of the aggregate amount of the printed bonds or the aggregate amount of the book-entry bonds (the amount in the parentheses shows the aggregate amount of the issue price).
Period of suspension of the effect: The period of suspension of the effect of the Shelf Registration due to the filing of this Amendment to the Shelf Registration Statement will be February 10, 2015 (the date of filing).
Reason for the filing: The Issuer filed its quarterly securities report (of the 115th fiscal year from October 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014) with the Director of Kanto Finance Bureau on February 10, 2015. Accordingly, the annual securities report will be a reference document for the Shelf Registration Statement filed as of April 15,
Place for public inspection: Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc.
(2-1, Nihombashi Kabutocho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan)

[Content of the amendment]

The content of the amendment is as described in the "reason for the filing" on the cover hereof.

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