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(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)


The Board is pleased to announce that, further to the long term co-operation agreements entered into with several large and reputable e-commerce platform operators such as

湖南快樂購物股份有限公司 (Hunan Happigo Home Shopping Co., Ltd.*), 安徽家 森家商貿有限公司 (Anhui Jiasenjia Trading Co., Ltd.*) and 深圳市順豐商業有限公 司 (Shenzhen Shunfeng Commercial Limited*), on 23 April 2015, the Group entered

into a strategic cooperation agreement with the largest self-operated PRC e-commence
enterprise, namely Beijing Jingdong which is also the operator of the Jingdong Mall
(京東商城), in relation to the development of e-commerce business for the Group by
utilising Beijing Jingdong's e-commerce platform.
Below sets out further information of the strategic cooperation agreement with Beijing
Date: 23 April 2015
Parties: (1) Silver Base Shenzhen
(2) Beijing Jingdong
Purpose: The development of e-commerce business for the Group by utilising Beijing Jingdong's e-commerce platform
Principal terms of • There will be priority right to supply in favour of cooperation: Silver Base Shenzhen in relation to high quality liquor products to the existing sales channels of Beijing
• Silver Base Shenzhen shall have priority to participate
in new sales channels of Beijing Jingdong
• Silver Base Shenzhen will be responsible for supplying
to Beijing Jingdong all of the Group's high quality
liquor products, including the popular 白酒 (Baijiu) 五糧液 (Wuliangye), 茅台酒 (Moutai Baijiu), 永 福醬酒 (Yongfu Jiangjiu), 國窖1573系列 (Guojiao
1573 series), 貴州鴨溪窖 (Guizhou Yaxi Jiao) and 汾 酒 (Fen Wine). In addition, apart from supplying to
Beijing Jingdong the Group's famous Dimple Whisky
and fine wines originated from several countries, the Group will also supply all its future new products to Beijing Jingdong.
Term: The strategic cooperation agreement with Beijing Jingdong is valid for a term of ten years commencing from 9 April
2015 to 8 April 2025 retrospectively

Reasons for entering into the strategic cooperation agreement

The Company expects and is hopeful that the new project will create a new channel for the sale and marketing of the Group's baijiu, wines and spirits, as well as widening the Group's sales path.


The following expressions shall, unless the context requires otherwise, have the following meanings:
"Board" the board of directors of the Company
"Company" Silver Base Group Holdings Limited, a company incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability and the issued Shares of which are listed on the main board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
"Group" the Company and its subsidiaries
"Silver Base Shenzhen" Silver Base Trading and Development (Shenzhen) Co.
Limited* (銀基貿易發 展(深 圳)有限公 司), a limited
liability company established under the laws of the PRC
and an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the Company
"Beijing Jingdong" Beijing Jingdong Century Trading Company Limited* (北 京京東世紀貿易有限公司)

* denotes English translation of the name of a Chinese company or entity or a term and is provided for identification purposes only.

By order of the Board of

Silver Base Group Holdings Limited Liang Guoxing


Hong Kong, 23 April 2015

As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises Mr. Liang Guoxing (Chairman), Mr. Wang Jindong and Ms. Cheung Mei Sze as executive Directors; Mr. Wu Jie Si, Mr. Chen Sing Hung Johnny and Mr. Joseph Marian Laurence Ozorio as non-executive Directors; and Mr. Hung Sui Kwan, Mr. Ma Lishan and Mr. Lee Kwok Keung Edward as independent non-executive Directors.


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