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The Board is pleased to announce that all the resolutions set out in the notice of SGM contained in the Circular were duly passed by the Independent Shareholders by way of poll at the SGM held on 24 October 2014.
Reference is made to the circular (the "Circular") of Sino Credit Holdings Limited (the "Company") and the notice of Special General Meeting ("SGM") to the shareholders of the Company (the "Shareholders") dated 30 September 2014. Unless the context requires otherwise, capitalised terms used in this announcement shall have the same meanings as those defined in the Circular.

Poll Results of the SGM

The Board is pleased to announce that all the resolutions proposed (the "Proposed

Resolutions") set out in the notice of SGM were duly passed by way of poll at the SGM held on 24 October 2014.


The Company's branch share registrar in Hong Kong, Union Registrars Limited, was appointed as the scrutineer at the SGM for the purpose of vote-taking. The poll results in respect of the Proposed Resolutions passed at the SGM are as follows:

Ordinary Resolution

Number of votes

(Approximate %)

Ordinary Resolution




"THAT the sale and purchase agreement dated

11 August 2014 (the "Sale and Purchase Agreement") entered into between (i) Best Volume Investments Limited, a direct wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, as the purchaser and (ii) Ace Guide Holdings Limited (the "Seller") as the seller, pursuant to which the Seller has conditionally agreed to sell and the Purchaser has conditionally agreed to purchase all the issued shares of Virtue Crest Investments Limited (the "Acquisition") for a total consideration of HK$393,210,000, and all transactions contemplated under the Sale and Purchase Agreement and the Acquisition and in connection with each of them be and are hereby approved, confirmed and ratified."






"THAT the allotment and issue to the Seller of

33,210,000 shares of the Company credited as fully paid-up at the issue price of HK$1.0 per share (the "Consideration Shares"), as part of the consideration for the Acquisition, be and is hereby approved."






"THAT any one director of the Company be and

are hereby authorized for and on behalf of the Company to sign, execute, perfect, perform and deliver all such other agreements, instruments, deeds and documents and do all such acts or things and take all such steps as they may in their absolute discretion consider to be necessary, desirable, appropriate or expedient to implement or given effect to or otherwise in connection with or incidental to the Sale and Purchase Agreement and the Acquisition and all the transactions contemplated thereunder (including without limitation, the allotment and issue of the Consideration Shares) and to agree to such variations, amendments or waivers as are, in the opinion of the directors of the Company, in the interests of the Company."






As more than 50% of the votes were cast in favor of each of the Proposed Resolutions, all such resolutions were duly passed as ordinary resolutions of the Company.
As at the date of the SGM, the total number of issued shares of the Company was 601,570,780 shares.
As stated in the Circular, Ms. Chin Wan Yi and Ms. Qian Wanyi, together hold 21,600,000 shares of the Company, were required to abstain and had abstained from voting on the Proposed Resolutions at the SGM. Therefore, the total number of shares of the Company held by the Independent Shareholders who were entitled to attend and vote for or against the Proposed Resolutions at the SGM was 579,970,780.
Save as disclosed above, no Shareholder is required to abstain from voting for the Proposed Resolutions at the SGM. There was no shares of the Company entitling the Shareholders to attend and vote only against any of the Proposed Resolutions at the SGM.

By order of the Board

Sino Credit Holdings Limited Chung Tat Fun Chairman

Hong Kong, 24 October 2014

A s a t t h e d a t e o f t h i s a n n o u n c e m e n t , t h e C o m p a n y ' s ex e c u t i v e d i re c t o r s a re Mr. Chung Tat Fun, Ms. Wong Yee Shuen, Regina and Mr. Chung Ho Chun, the non-executive directors are Mr. So Chak Fai, Francis and Mr. Huang Weibo, and the independent non-executive directors are Mr. Poon Wai Hoi, Percy, Mr. Tang Chi Ho, Francis and Ms. Lee Shiow Yue.

* For identification purposes only


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