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Dec '14 01

01 December 2014 - 17:45 CET

TAGS 2015, allowed, revenue

·    Year 2015 allowed transport revenue approved

·    2013 year end RAB for the transport business: € 14.9 billion

San Donato Milanese, December 1, 2014 - The Regulatory Authority for Electricity Gas and Water has approved the allowed revenue for 2015, through resolution no. 584/2014/R/gas.

Transport, dispatching and metering allowed revenue for 2015 has been set at 1,985 million euro.

Actual revenue for 2015 will also take into account the actual transported volumes compared to the reference volume set at 67.2 bcm.

RAB at 31 December 2013 for the transport, dispatching and metering business has been set at €14.9 billion.

Resolution no. 584/2014/R/gas is available on web site of the Regulatory Authority for Electricity Gas and Water www.autorita.energia.it

Page Alert last update
01 December 2014 - 17:50 CET
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