July 8, 2011

SNS Asset Management, SNS REAAL’s responsible asset manager is bringing out a brochure called: The point of and need for a good discussion. In this brochure, SNS Asset Management explains how it enters into a discussion with companies about the subject of responsible investment policy.

SNS REAAL conducts a responsible investment policy for its investments. The criteria drawn up for this are based on international directives. If a company does not comply with (one of) these criteria, it may be excluded from investment, or alternatively, we may draw up a ‘route to engagement’.

What exactly does engagement mean? It’s a question SNS Asset Management gets asked regularly. Engagement means that SNS Asset Management enters into a discussion with a company. The aim of this discussion is to encourage the company in question to improve its policy and performance, so that it will comply with the international directives.

The brochure is intended to give customers, prospects and colleagues of SNS Asset Management insight into what engagement means and how SNS Asset Management sets about it.