Società Cattolica di Assicurazione - Società Cooperativa

Sede in Verona, Lungadige Cangrande n.16

C.F. 00320160237 - Iscritta al Registro delle Imprese di Verona al n. 00320160237

Società iscritta all'Albo delle Società Cooperative al n. A100378



Verona, December 4th 2013. Following what has already been communicated on June

21st 2013 and after having obtained the authorizations required by law from the competent Authorities1, the public is informed that today the definitive contracts for the sale of the insurance activities of Risparmio & Previdenza to Cattolica Assicurazioni and the sale of the Open-end Pension Fund Risparmio & Previdenza to Cattolica Previdenza, have been signed2. Both transactions, aiming at a greater efficiency of the corporate structure of the Group, will be effective on December 31st 2013.



Investor Relations Officer Institutional Communication

Carlo Ferraresi Aldo Canale

Tel. 0039 045 8391202 Tel. 0039 335 620 2116 / 0039 045 8391613

1 IVASS for the business segment sales and COVIP for the sale of the Pension Fund.

2 In relation to what is provided under Article 6.1 point d) of CONSOB Regulation no. 17221 of March 12th, 2011, it is stated that upon approval of the transactions, the Procedure for the management of transactions with related parties

approved by the Board of Directors of Cattolica has not been applied in that this Procedure provides for, inter alia, the
exclusion of intra-group transactions provided that (as in this case) there are no significant interests of related parties of
Cattolica other than the Group companies in the companies involved in relation to the particular transaction. Cattolica
Previdenza and Risparmio & Previdenza are directly and fully controlled by Cattolica.

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