Publicly Listed Company

Registered Office: Lugar do Espido - Via Norte - Maia

Tax number 502 028 351

Maia Commercial Registration Office

Share Capital: 230,391,627.38 Euros


Sonaecom, SGPS, S.A. hereby informs, under the terms and for the purposes of Article 3.a o
Regulation nr. 5/2008 that following a resolution taken at the Shareholders' Annu al General Meeting held today, the composition of the Board of the Shareholders' General Meeting b ecame as follows:
Chairman: António Agostinho Cardoso da Conceição Guedes
Secretary: Maria Daniela Farto Baptista Passos
Sonaecom, SGPS, S.A. also informs that following the same resolution, the number of members of the
company's Board of Directors was reduced from 11 to 3, remaining in office:
Ângelo Gabriel Ribeirinho dos Santos Paupério
Maria Cláudia Teixeira de Azevedo
António Bernardo Aranha da Gama Lobo Xavier
Maia, 24 April 2014
The Market Relations Representative

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