new doc 43

605 Pago 1 or 2 15 July 2001



Corpotions Act 2001

Setc tion 6719

Noticc of ccasìng to be a substantial holder

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c:--:rs ::.· :;.::::- ::-.s.n :.-C"..1"'1,. m n:a:u-c o.! a relevant interest (2) or thc substantialholder or an associate (3) m votong

1rt s ::....-.:.s ' Y s..'""'(''""t" sn : 'le subslant!.llholder VJS last requrred to gove a substanllal holdong no!lce to the company

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r ., to"'.Z•':-;- 3.."-' tes (3) o! ceased to be assocrates of,or have changed the nature of their assooatJon (7) with,

s:.e-_";,·r - :Oj."l t.::l v:: :m; mteres:s m the company or sd'leme are as follows

a·rt:..c.'.;. '


NJ:Ure of assooation










ll St Vineont Placa, Albert Park VIC




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605 Page 2 of 2 15 July 2oo1

Ca:ren Olney-Fraser capaoty Ciroctor

s gnhere -::::= ::c::: ::::::::::::::::_

ate :

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( :--.=:-e «.-e a n..rre c's.:.."'S!ar::all'to:Cewtth SIITldar or retarelevant rnterests (eg a corporatron and rts related corporat10ns. or
> r:-e r-.a:-ac;er ar.c t"UScf antrus:) the names could be mduded rn an annexure to tne form 1f thc relevant rnterests of a ·
ç-:o..;t: cl çersr.r.s c.-e n::a1y!ar.they may be reierred to throughout the form as a specifically named group rf the
ri!!'""cersh,..: cf ea:::çrcup.wtth t'le names and addresses of members rs clearly set out r n paragraph 4 of !ho form
1'2 e c:.:•.r::on ol"re'e·,at rntere$!" rn sectJons 608and 6716(7)of the Corporatrons Act 2001.


P r:-e c.:!n:t:cr: cf ·ass...--ca:e· rn sea:on 9 cf !he Corporanons Act 2001


3' .2.:-e.'";!r.:art cr ctner orcumstances because of whrc:h tne change m re!evantinterest occurred lf subsectron ET::;l a..--c.:es a cy cf a.,y C:oa.-ment settrng cut the terms of any relevant agreemenal nd a statement by the pe on S'"''I"S ,:;1 a-c a=ra:e oe:atls cf any contract. s&.eme or arrangement. must a=mpany thr s form.together Wlth a wntten s:.:e.-er:O? r, rç r:-rs contrae:. scheme or arrangement. and

)lJ.-f c:w lfca cn cf !he pcwer cf a perscn to exerose. contro!!he exerose of. or influence the exercise of.the votrng powers cr c!s::cs.aJ cf t'le secunnes to which !he re!evantrnterest relates (indr caMg clearly the parncular secuntres l o whrch the c:o.:a1!'ca:c:: a;:phes)

Se.?c€"r .:cr. ::t "re1eva"1t açreerrent"in sectron 9 of the Corpora!lons Act 2001.
t C:?::lr:s c;f ::--;: ::::-r-s.cera::c::r: r-ust rrdr..'Ce any and an and ot!'ler.tnat any person from wt'lom a relevant rnterest was
) .: "!!C .lS c: r-:;:-1 te entt!ed to recer.-e rr. retal!on to L'lat aoqur srtlon Detarls musibe rnduded even rf the beneti!es

c::n:.:c:r-a cr: 1-.a..--cemror not of a connngency Detads must be rnduded of any benefit pad on behalf of !l'le substannalholder

cr ::s :!SS... :e -r. :-e cr. to L'le ac::;uiSrl!ons.even rf they are not pard drrectly to the person from wt'lcm the.relevant rnterest was

- "'n:w:..

T"e " ::.-.; s. -es d a cor.çany COunless divlded rnto separate dasses.


t>·"' ò;!als ;t a p-oçl'13!1!!.cf t:'re present assoc::iation and any changein tha t assooatron since the last substantialholdrng netrO?.


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