
September 16, 201 5

Bombay Stock Exchange Limited

Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street, Mumbai 400 001

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited

Exchange Pl aza , Bandra-Kurl a Complex Band ra (E) M um bai - 400 051

Scri p code: 532531 Scri p code: STAR

Dear Sirs,

Sub: Update on Scheme of Amalgama tion of Shasun Pharmaceuticals Limited with Strides Arcolab Limited ('Scheme of Amalgamation')

In furtherance to our i nti mation to the Stock Exchanges vi de our letter dated August 28, 201 5 informi ng about the oral order approvi ng the Scheme of Amal gamation from Hon 'ble H igh Court of Bom bay, we wish to inform you that the Company has now recei ved an authenticated copy of the Court Order.

The Scheme of Amalgamation shal l be effecti ve post recei pt of approval of Foreign Investment Promotion Board and on fi l ing of a copy of the Order wi t h Regist rar of Companies, Bombay.

Thanks & Regards,


For Strides Arcolab Limited

?-e Komandur Company Secretary

Cii'1 • l24230MH1990PLC057062

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