E152893A_Styland 1..2

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.


有 限 公 司*

(Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 211)


Reference is made to the announcement relating to the notice of annual general meeting of Styland Holdings Limited (the ''Company'') dated 20 July 2015 (the ''AGM Notice''), the circular of the Company containing the AGM Notice dated 20 July 2015 (the ''AGM Circular'') and the results announcement for the year ended 31 March 2015 of the Company dated 18 June 2015 (the ''Results Announcement'').
It has come to the Company's attention that there were certain inadvertent translation errors in the AGM Notice, the AGM Circular and the Results Announcement. Nevertheless, shareholders of the Company are requested to note that the corresponding information contained in the English version of the AGM Notice, the AGM Circular and the Results Announcement is correct. The Company also confirms that, except as clarified below, all other information contained therein is correct and remains unchanged. The clarifications are as follows:
(I) The correct Chinese translation of final dividend of ''HK0.238 cent'' per share as disclosed (i) in the second resolution on page 1 of the AGM Notice and page 12 of the AGM Circular; and (ii) in the first paragraph on page 4 of the AGM Circular, should be


(II) In the note 7 to the financial statements on page 10 of the Results Announcement, the correct Chinese translation of (i) ''FY2014 : cash dividend of HK0.138 cent per share''
as disclosed in the subsection headed ''Interim Dividend'' should be ''二一四年

年度:現金股息每0.138港仙''; and (ii) ''FY2014 : cash dividend of HK0.168 cent

per share'' as disclosed in the subsection headed ''Final Dividend'' should be ''二

四年政年度:現金股息每0.168港仙''; and

* For identification purpose only

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(III) the correct Chinese translation of ''HK0.306 cent per share in FY2014'' as disclosed in the second paragraph of subsection headed ''FY2015 Results and Dividends'' on page
15 of the Results Announcement should be ''二一四年政年度0.306港仙''.
This clarification announcement is supplemental to and should be read in conjunction with the AGM Notice, the AGM Circular and the Results Announcement.
By order of the Board Styland Holdings Limited Wang Chin Mong Company Secretary
Hong Kong, 27 July 2015
As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises five executive Directors, Mr. Cheung Hoo Win, Mr. Ng Yiu Chuen, Ms. Mak Kit Ping, Ms. Zhang Yuyan and Ms. Chen Lili and four independent non-executive Directors, Mr. Zhao Qingji, Mr. Yeung Shun Kee, Mr. Li Hancheng and Mr. Lo Tsz Fung Philip.

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