05/30/2012 -SITA, a subsidiary of SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT, retains control of the Energy Recovery Unit in Passy

SITA is renewing its contract with the SITOM (Intercommunal Syndicate for the Treatment of Household Waste) of the Mont Blanc Valleys in the form of a Public Service Delegation for the control of the Energy Recovery Unit in Passy in the Chamonix-Mont-Blanc valley for a total of 89 million euros for a period of 15 years.The Energy Recovery Unit has been in operation since 28 March 2012, as part of a Public Service Delegation, by the company SET Mont Blanc, a subsidiary of SITA Région Centre Est. This Public Service Delegation includes operating the Energy Recovery Unit and the recovery of the 18,500 MWh/year of energy produced,equivalent to lighting 11,500 homes.

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