SCA started working systematically with open innovation in 2006. At that time, the company began to cooperate with InnoCentive, a so-called innovation intermediary that connects those who have a challenge with people who can solve these challenges.

InnoCentive drives a global community of 365,000 'solvers' - skilled specialists in a broad range of areas, such as engineering, computer science and chemistry. SCA uses InnoCentive as a complement to in-house development and through its community SCA has got solutions and external input to a diversity of challenges.

Kerstin Johansson, Open Innovation Manager at SCA, says: 'The main reason behind this kind of co-operation is to increase our innovation capability - both when it comes to new ideas and products - as well as reduce the lead time from idea to ready product. In some cases somebody else may already have a solution to our problems, which means we can save a lot of time.

'Another type of open innovation is when we work closely with our customers in development projects. In those cases we can get additional input from them, which will increase the quality of the ready product and ensure we develop products that our customers really demand.'

A further important channel to encourage and facilitate collaboration with external partners is SCA's Open Innovation Portal, which has been running since 2013. It contains information on areas where SCA is looking for collaboration and external input.

SCA is currently looking for external ideas and cooperation in the areas of prevention of bad odor and handwashing by other means than soap and water.

Kerstin says: 'Going externally by using open innovation does not mean that everything is open. We still have to find a balance between openness and secrecy, and agree with the cooperation partner to not risk revealing what's in our pipeline.'

The Tork EasyCube app

Concrete results of open innovation so far include, for example, TENA U-test - an in-pad detection aid for urinary tract infections, developed by a small start-up company - and Tork EasyCube, an IT-based service for public restrooms that provides real-time data on toilet use, giving an instant overview of when and where cleaning is required and dispensers need to be refilled.

Although there are many advantages with external cooperation, Kerstin points out that there are also challenges with open innovation.

'One challenge relates to intellectual property rights. When an external party comes to us we want them to have a patent on their idea. In that way we can avoid discussions about who owns the original idea.

'Open innovation is not a solution in all situations. It is especially suitable in the early phases of development and when we are exploring new areas or looking for breakthrough innovations. In those situations it could also be worth looking for solutions outside the company.'

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