1.Date of occurrence of the event:2014/09/05
2.Company name:Taishin FHC
3.Relationship to the Company (please enter ¡¨head office¡¨ or
  ¡¨subsidiaries¡¨):head office
4.Reciprocal shareholding ratios:NA
5.Name of the reporting media:NA
6.Content of the report:NA
7.Cause of occurrence:The NTD 0.45 billion capital reduction application of
Taishin AMC,subsidiary of Taishin FHC,was approved by Financial Supervisory
Commission,R.O.C.on 2014/09/05.According to the Article 5, paragraph 2 of
the Regulations Governing the Capital Reduction at the Subsidiaries of a
Financial Holding Company,the company is required to post the information
regarding the use of funds and its expected effectiveness on M.O.P.S.
(Market Observation Post System) within two days after the application of
capital reduction was approved.
9.Any other matters that need to be specified:
purpose of obtained capital: To invest in new common shares of Taishin
Venture Capital Investment.
expected effectiveness:
To support the business expansion of subsidiary.
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