A group of 5 officials led by Dr. Mwaniki, an official at the Registrar of the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) of Kenya and chairman of Pharmaceutical Society of Kenya, visited Tasly on Aug. 19 and held wide-ranging talks with senior officers, including Tasly International CEO Bill Dai.

PPB Officials with Tasly International Management

A PPB Official Complimenting Guotai Liquor

Visiting the International Communication Center, the production monitoring room of Tasly Pharmaceutical, the manufacturing facility of T89, the plant of Tasly Cooperative and some cultural landscapes inside the industrial park, the guests gave unanimous approval of and complimentary remarks on the scale of Tasly, the professional manufacturing facilities and the stringent quality control. Later in talks with CEO Dai, the officials listened to a detailed introduction of Tasly's corporate strength and international marketing and tried the Guotai Liquor. They expressed the hope that Tasly would market its premium products like modernized TCM, pharmaceutical chemical and API in Kenya to benefit the native people and recommend Guotai Liquor to high-end consumers in the country.

Lying in eastern Africa, Kenya is one of the wealthy countries in this part of continent. The nation with a population around 40m has a relatively mature drug market and is the largest pharmaceutical manufacturing and distribution market of COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa). Nevertheless, API is highly dependent on import due to insufficient production. Besides, the poor medical conditions prevalent in Eastern Africa also contribute to Kenya's considerable demand for pharmaceutical products and development potential.

Tasly has already formulated plans on vigorous development of indirect selling of pharmaceutical chemicals, APIs and modernized TCM drugs in Kenya. This tour by PPB officials focused on investigation of Tasly's scale of business and manufacturing capacity was organized to boost the mutual understanding and trust between Tasly and competent Kenyan agencies and pave the way for future entry into the pharmaceutical distribution market of the country.

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