Stock acquisition right holders may exercise stock acquisition rights within the respective periods stipulated by the following cases (a) and (b) within the period in 5. above (however, in the case of (b), excluding the case where a stock acquisition right holder is to be allotted stock acquisition rights of a restructured company pursuant to 9. above under the provisions of a merger agreement, share exchange agreement, or share transfer plan).

(a) In the event that a stock acquisition rights holder loses his or her position as either officer (director, audit & supervisory board member and corporate officer) or employee of the Company (including full-time executive adviser, consultants and contract employees, but excluding part-time executive adviser, consultants and part-time contract employees.)

Seven years from the day after losing the position

(b) In cases where the General Meeting of Shareholders has approved by resolution either a proposal for a merger agreement in which the Company is to be dissolved, or a proposal for a share exchange agreement or share transfer plan in which the Company is to become a wholly owned subsidiary (or in cases where a resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders is not necessary, a resolution of the Board of Directors).

15 days from the day following the date of the approval

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