There is no hot air, no vague targets or performance measurements. Puzzling technical terms, familiar only to CSR or GRI experts, will not apply. Besides an overview of active value propositions on a social and ecological level of Telekom Austria Group, CSR technical terms will not be used only as illustration but are explained and described correspondingly within this Sustaincyclopedia.

Sustainability in plain language addresses four focus areas

Transparent main sections of the report offer informative insights and improvements regarding these four areas. The areas derive from a renewed materiality analysis. The chapter "Environment" ("Living Green") illustrates a year-on-year comparison of group wide environmental key figures. A CO2 reduction by 23% in comparison to last year shows the engagement of Telekom Austria Group in terms of environmental and climate protection. One of the highlights of the chapter "Society" ("Creating Equal Opportunities") is the successful group wide roll-out of the media competence initiative "Internet for All". The chapter regarding "Products" ("Providing Responsible Products") explains the broadband roll-out not only as the basis of technical equal opportunities for customers in the markets Telekom Austria Group is operating in, but also as enormous catalyst for innovative solutions of key technologies such as education, environment, health and energy. The chapter on "Employees" ("Empowering people") executes the support employees are being given and actual diversity.

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