CS_Consumi_agosto2014_04092014 ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION IN ITALY: -1.6% IN AUGUST WITH THE SAME TEMPERATURE AND NUMBER OF DAYS Rome, August 4, 2014 - In August 2014, the electricity required in Italy, equal to 24.1 billion kWh, dropped by 1.6% compared to August of last year. Considering the joint effect of temperature and number of days - about 1.5° centigrade lower and one less business day (20 vs 21) compared to the same month last year - this drop is equal to 4%.

The 24.1 billion kWh required for the month of August 2014 were distributed 41.3% in the North,
29.5% in the Center, and 29.2% in the South.
At the territorial level, the variation in electricity demand in August was negative in the North (-
6.4%) and in Central Italy (-3.8%), while it was substantially stable in the South (-0.1%).
In August 2014, the electricity demand was met for 92.2% with national production and for the remaining part (7.8%) with the balance of electricity exchanged with foreign countries. More in details, the net national production (22.4 billion kWh) dropped by 2.3% compared to August 2013. Hydroelectric (+23.8%), wind power (+22.3%), photovoltaic (+9.1%) and geothermal energy production (+1.3%) rose, while thermoelectric production dropped (-14.1%).
The short-term profile for August 2014 showed a seasonally adjusted variation in electricity demand compared to the previous month equal to -0.4%. The trend profile is once again slightly decreasing.
In the first eight months of 2014 the electricity demand decreased by 3.3% compared to the same period of 2013; based on the same number of days, this figure equals -3.1%.
The detailed analysis of provisional 2014 and 2013 monthly electricity demand is available in the publication "Rapporto Mensile sul Sistema Elettrico" (Italian version only), under the section "Sistema elettrico >> Dispacciamento >>Dati esercizio" at http://www.terna.it/www.terna.it.

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