Only 11 Italian companies present in Excellence Europe: for Terna a further international recognition after inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability indices

Rome, September 18, 2015 - Terna has been confirmed for 2015 in the Ethibel Sustainability Index (ESI) Excellence Europe, which includes approx. 200 European and only 11 Italian companies.

A new international recognition on sustainability for the company chaired by Catia Bastioli and headed by Matteo Del Fante, which in recent days was included for the seventh consecutive year in the Dow Jones Sustainability World and Europe indices, ranking in first place in the world, with special mention as Industry Leader in the field of electricity utilities.
ESI Excellence Europe is an index that uses a dual evaluation: the assessment by the French sustainability rating agency Vigeo and the analysis of the Ethibel Forum, a panel of independent experts in the various aspects of sustainability. This index has a particular influence on investors sensitive to ethical issues - the so-called SRI, Socially Responsible Investors - in the central- European area, an important characteristic if one considers that, according to the latest research on "Green, social and ethical funds Europe" (14th edition, October 2014) conducted by Vigeo, this is a market in constant growth, with strong dynamism in the Netherlands, Belgium and France.
In addition to its presence in the Ethibel Sustainability Index and in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, Terna is included in the international sustainability indexes FTSE4GOOD (Global and Europe), ECPI (Ethical Global, Euro and EMU), MSCI (ESG World, EAFE, EMU, Europe), ESI (Excellence Europe), Ethibel (Pioneer and Excellence), STOXX ESG (Global, Environmental, Social and Governance), Vigeo Euronext (World, Europe and Eurozone), and in the Italian indexes FTSE ECPI Italia SRI Benchmark and Italia SRI Leaders, which are compiled solely on the basis of companies listed in the Italian Stock Exchange.

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