Fifty climate-friendly projects are being featured in business media worldwide. Total is the founding partner of Solutions & Co, alongside the social business Sparknews.

Solar-powered kiosks where you can buy groceries and charge your car or computer battery at the same time. Electric bikes pulling small carts to collect bottles, cans and other recyclable waste. Bioplastics made from avocado pits, biofuel derived from microalgae and even biomethane from food waste to fuel buses.
These are just some of the nearly 500 business solutions submitted by entrepreneurs from more than 90 countries in response to a call for projects by Sparknews, a social business that uncovers tomorrow's ideas today and publicizes them in the media to raise their profile. All the projects submitted had to be climate-friendly. Total is the founding partner of the program, called Solutions & Co, alongside Sparknews. And now the 50 projects selected are being featured in the media worldwide. Twenty leading business media channels, including The Huffington Post in the United States, Les Echos in France, The Financial Times Online in the United Kingdom and Kommersant in Russia, have teamed up with Solutions & Co to feature some of these projects in special reports.
But Total is not going to stop there. 'With a presence in 130 countries, we have a responsibility to identify homegrown solutions,' says Jérôme Schmitt, Senior Vice President, Sustainable Development & Environment at Total. 'Solutions & Co perfectly illustrates how we imagine and create tomorrow's businesses through a process of co-development.' What we want to do is keep up with the most promising solutions related to our own key focuses, such as solar energy and access to energy.
Total's contribution to nurturing these ideas will depend on what is needed, and range from performing introductions and sharing expertise to providing financial support and exposure. Partnerships could see the light of day in early 2016.
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