1. Other corporate entities" includes 20 share units that are held by Japan Securities Depository Center, Inc. and not listed on the shareholder register.

2. Foreign corporate entities and others - Non-individuals" includes shares held as American Depositary Receipts (ADR) by one shareholder with 834,129 units.

3. Toyota's treasury shares are comprised of shares repurchased in accordance with resolutions adopted at Ordinary General Shareholders' Meetings and fractional shares repurchased at the request of shareholders. The 2,782,314 units of Toyota-owned treasury shares are included in the "Individuals, etc." above.

(As of March 31, 2014)
Category Share breakdown (100 shares per unit) Odd-lot
Government & local public entities Financial institutions Brokerages Other corporate entities Foreign corporate entities and others Individuals, etc. Total
Number of shareholders (units) 1 440 104 4,737 1,195 406 575,508 582,391 ---
Number of shares owned (units) 1 10,151,107 567,427 6,155,141 10,459,759 2,173 7,121,289 34,456,897 2,307,792
Share ownership ratio (%) 0.00 29.46 1.65 17.86 30.35 0.01 20.67 100.00 ---

・Excluding the number of shareholders who own less than a full unit of shares.

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