
Confldentallty Notice

Ballll• Gifford & Co

Calton Sciuani, 1 Gre•nsld• Row, Edinburgh EH1 3AN

Tel.•44 (0)131 2711 2000 F11x•44 (0)131 2711 3999


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Company Announcements Office Australian Securities Exchange

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Grant Meikle 20 April 2016


If any pages are not clearly received, please call Baillie Gifford on 0131 275 3134 lmmedlately.

Please find faxed a Form 604 In respect of Baillie Gifford's interest in Treasury Wine Estates Limited. If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards

Compliance Department Baillie Gifford & Co

A IQ.I of1bi: partnm.' names I& e.vallablt 1t 1ht libovfl

  1. vlliorl'Ji;d 11md 111111,;d by 1h,;:

    P'inpm;ii11I IAvllwrl1y,


    Form 604

    Corporation• Act :!001

    Section 671B

    Notice of change of Interests of substantial holder

    lg Compony Name/Sc11eme Treeeuiy Wine Eatates Limited ACN/ARSN ACN 004 373 862

    1. Datoll• of ••b•tantlol holder (1) Name

    2. ACN/ARSN (If appllcablo)

      Baima Gifford & Co and Its Afflllatod Companlee (see Annoxure 1)


      There wae a change In the ln!Bl"llGIB of the

      substantial holder on

      Tho prevlo

      The 1)1'8Vlaus noUce was daled

      2. Previous and pre11nt voting power


      10/09 /2013

      ·10 /09 /2013

      Class of securities (4)

      Previous notice

      Pre$ant notice

      Person's votes

      Voting powor (5)

      Per.1on's voles

      Voting powor (5)




      38, 145,304


      Tho total numbor of voles attached to alllhe voting eharee in the company or voting lntorests In tho achema that the subalanllol holder or an assoclata (2) had a relevant Interest (3) In when last required, and when now requlmd, to give a eullStantlal holding notice to tho oompany or ecMme, are ae follows;

      3, Changes In ralavnnt Interests

      Particulars of each change In, or change tn lho nature of, a rolovant lntereal of me substantial holder or an associate In voting eecurmee of the company or scheme, since me eubatantlal nolder wae last reQUll"lld to give a substantial holding notice to ma company or scheme are as follows:

      Dale of


      Person whose relevant lnlerest changed

      Noture of change (6)

      ConstdaraUon given In reletlon to change (7)

      Class and number of securities affected

      Peraon1a votes


      Sue Annexure Z

      1. Present relevant lnterest9

        Particulars of each relevant lntereol of tile aulletantlal Mlder In voting saourllles after lhe change ore •• follows:

        Holder of Registered

        Parson entltlad

        to be registered

        •• holder (6)

        Nature of relevant lntores! (6)

        Class and number of aecuritles



        holder of


        See Annn:ure 3

        5. Changes In a11oclatlon

        Tho porwns who halfll booomo associates (2) of, ceooed Lo be associates of, or have chonged the nature of their association (9) with, tho substantial holder In relatt>n Lo voting Interests tn tho company or schomo are as follows:

        NE1me and ACN/ARSN (


        Nature of aeeoelatlon

        6. Addr8Sl9li

        rhe aciresaea of persons nama In this form are as follows:



        Baillie Gifford & Co

        Callon Square, 1 Greenslde Row, Edinburgh, Scotland, EH1 JAN

        Baillio Gifford Overoeas Limlbld

        Callon Square, 1Greonslde Row, EdlnbUl!Jh, Seotland, EH1 3AN

        Baillie Gifford Asia (Hong Kong) Limited

        30/F, One lntematklnal Finance Cenlnl, ·I Marllour View SlreeL Cenlnll, Hong Kong

        Baillie Gifford Life Limited

        Callon Square, 1Greenslde Row, Edinburgh, ScoUond, EH1 JAN

        Baillie Gifford & Co Llmllod

        Calton Square, 1Greonsldo Row, Edlnbul!Jh, Seotland, EH1 3AN

        Baillie Gifford Savings Management Llmllod

        Calton Square, 1 Greanelde Row, Edinburgh, Scollend, EH1 3AN

        ll!lllllo Gifford Funds Se1Yicao LLC

        Calton Square, 1Greenslde Row, Edinburgh, SCllUand, EH1 JAN

        Baillie Glf!orl lnlema!lonal LLC

        Colton Square, 1Greenslde Row, Edlnbul!Jh, ScoUand, EH1 3AN

        Mlisublshl UFJ Baillie Glffom Asaat

        Management Llmlll!d

        Calton Squara, 1Graenaide Row, Edinburgh. SClltland, EH1 3AN

        Balllla Gifford lnve,.,..,nt Consulllng (Shanghai) Co., Lid

        Callon Square, 1Greanslde Row, Edlnburyh, Scotland, EH1 3AN


        ,:,rlnt name Compliance & Legal



        sign hero date 20/04/2016


        1. If here are a number of aubo1an1lol holdors with similar or mlaled relevant lnterots (eg. a corporation and lie related eo1pora1;one, or tho manager and truatea of an OQUlty trust), the nomos could be lnoluded In an annaxura to tho form. If tho relevant lntereata of a group of parsons are ossonUatly slmllor, they may be referred Lo throughout Lhe onm aa a apeciflcally namad group If tho membership of each group, with tho names and addr@ssos of mombers 1$ clearly set out In paragraph 8 of lhe form.

        2. (2) Soo tho doflnltlon of 'associate" In eeetlon 9 of tho Corporallons Acl 2001.

          1. Seo [he definition of "nalevant lnlenaot" In seetlone 608 and 6718(7) of the Corporations ACI 2001.

          2. Tho voting sha""' of a company conslltute one ciaos unless divided Into soparate classes.

          3. The peraon'e votes divided by the tolat voles Inthe body corporate or scheme multtpllod by 100.

          4. Include details of:

            1. any relevant agreement or other circumstances bocauea of whleh the change In nalovant Interest oeeurred. 11subsoetlon 6718(4) applies, •copy of any doeument setting oul the terms of any relevant agraamon and a statement by the pereon giving 1111 and aecuralo dotalls of any contract, eehama or arrangement must accompany .this fonn, toge,her with a written slatement certifying this contract, scheme or arrangement; and

            2. any quallHcation or Lhe power of a parson to exercise, control tha exercise or, or lnfiuencolho oxorclse of, the voting powers or dlaposal of te socurlUoslo which lhe relovonl lnterast ralalos (Indicating clearly tho partleular securltlos to which the quallllcauon appllee).

            3. See the definition of "relevant agreement" In section 9 of Iha Corporations Act 2001.


              (7) Datalls of lhe consideration musl lnoluda any and all benefits, money end other, thal any person from whom relvanl lntel"ffl ffll5 acquired has, or may,' become entllled to receive In relation to that acqulamon. Details must be Included oven If lhe benefit Is conditional on the happening or not of a contingency. Oo!Sllo must be Included on any benefit paid on behalf of the substantial holdor or Ito ossoclalo In relallon to the acquisitions, even 11they are not paid dln,ctly to the person from whom tho n,iovant Interest waa acquired.

              (8) If the substantial holder la unable to datarmlna the ldanUly or tho person (eg. If lhe relevant Interest arises boceuso or an option) wrllo "unknown'".

              (Q) Give details, If appropriate, of the preaent aaaoclallon and any chango In u,ot association elnce the la6t 6ubotanllal holding nollca.


        Treasury Wine Estates Limited issued this content on 21 April 2016 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 21 April 2016 00:11:08 UTC

        Original Document: https://www.tweglobal.com/~/media/Files/Global/ASX-Announcements/2016/Notice-of-Change-of-Interests-of-Substantial-Shareholder-21-April-2016.pdf