
I I . A p r . 2 0 1 6 1 6 : 0 6


To Company Announcements Office Company Australian Stock Exchange Ltd Fax 1300 135 638

From Jessica Cirillo

Date 11/04/2016

Pages 5

Subject ASIC Form 604

N o. 0 6 5 3 P. 1/5

  • UniSuper

UniSuper Limited

Adelaide Office

Level 10, eo King Wiiiiam Street

Adelaida SA 5000

Telephone 08 8125 2530

Facsimile 08 8125 2531

Head Office

Level 35, 385 Bourke Street

Melbourne Victoria 3000

Telephone 03 9910 6100

Fax 03 9910 6141




UnlSuper Management Ply Ltd ABN 91 006 961 799

Au5traltan FinanGial Services

Licence No. n5907

Dear Sir/Madam,

I attach the notice regarding our change in substantial shareholding, signed by our Company Secretary. Please note that the securities are held by BNP Paribas Nominees Ply Limited as custodian for UniSuper Limited. Please note that various fund managers hold the shares as investment manager for UniSuper Ltd. Details are attached

If you have any queries please contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Jessica Cirillo Investment Accountant

Page 1of 1

This facslmlla Is Intended for the person/s named above. If you are not one of those persons, we do not waive any privilege or confidentiality rights attac;hing to this fac;slmlle transmission and any disclosures or use of transmissions by you is UNAUTHORISED. If you receive this transmission In etro,, please notify the sander lmmecilately.


UniSuper Limited ABN 54 006 027 121


ABN 91 365 943 650

I I . A p r . 2 0 1 6 1 6 : 0 7

N o . 0 6 5 3

P. 2/5

Form 604

Corporations Act 2001

Soctlon 6718

Notice of change of interests of substantial holder

To Company Name/Scheme Villa World Limiled

ACNIARSN 117 546 326

  1. Dotalls ofsubstantial holder (1)

    Name BNP Paribas Ply Limited ACN ARSN (if applicable) 084 150 023

    Thare was a chan!;Je in the interests of the substantial holder on The previous notice wa.s given to the company on

    Tha previous notice wa.s dated

  2. Previous and present voting power




    The total numbar of votes attached to a.II the voting shares in the company or voting interests in the scheme that the substantial holdar or i;l.n associate (2) had a relevant interest (3) in when last required, and when now required, to give a substantial holding notice to the company or scheme, are as follows:

    Class of socurltles (4)

    Previous notice

    Voting power (G)

    Person1s votes I Votina power (5)

    Person's votes

    Voting power (5)

    Ordinary Shares

    6,695,451 I 1.15%



  3. Changes In relevant lntorosts

    Particulars of oach change in, or change in the nature of, a relevant interest of the substantial holder or an associate In voting socuritios of the company or scheme, since the substantial holder was last required to give a substantial hol(llng notlc• to the company or scheme are as follows:

    Dato of chango

    Person whose relevant interest


    Nature of change (6)

    Consideration given In relation to change (7)

    Class and number of securities affected

    Parson's votes


    Refer to Appendix A

  4. Present relevant Interests

Particulars of each relevant Interest of tha substantial holder in voling securities after the change are as follows:

HQlder of relevant Interest

Registered holder of securities

Persons entitled to be registered as holder (8)

Nature of relevant Interest (G)

Class and number of securities

Person's votes

Refer to Appendix B


I I . A p r . 2 0 1 6 1 6 : 0 7

N o . 0 6 5 3

P. 3/5

6. Changes in association

The persona who hava become associates (2) of, ceased to be associates of, or have changed the nature of their association

(9) with, the substantial holdor in rolation to voting interests in the company or scheme are as follows:

Name and ACN/ARSN (If applicable)

Nature of association



6. Addresses

The .a.ddressas of parsons named In this form are as follows:





Level a5, aB5 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

BNP Paribas Ply Limited

Level 8, Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000


print name

Jane Panton

Company Secretary capacity Company Secretary

sign here date II· '-f ·/ 6 .


  1. ir lhef'EI are a number or substanllal holders wilh similar or related relevanl infl:lst:; (e!J. a oorporalion and it:; fl:llaled corpora(ion:;, or (he mana!Jer and lruslee of

    :an qui y lr'u!:I), lh!:! l:lr'n!:!t ti!uld b!:! itn:lud!:!d ii"l l:lri arn'tut1:1 lo !hi:! rorm.. 1r the i't!levanl lnlereal or a group or peraonll' al't! eall'll'nllally ll'lmllar. they «Lay be rererl't!d to throughout the form EIB El spsclflcally nE1med Qroup If the membership of e51ciJ. group, wilh th1:1 nlilm1:1:; tmd lilddsse:; of members i:; cll:llilrly set out in pamgrnph 7 of i.fte klfm,

  2. See lhe definlllon of "E1:;:;oci61le" in :;ec:lion a of u..1:1 CQl'fll'.l (ion:; Aci ;;)001,

  3. see the dennrnoo ot "relevant lnlerear' rn sections BOB and 671l:!(7) of Iha Corporellons Acl 2001.

..11) The voling 11hE1res.of Iii complilny 0011s(i(u(1:1 onfil. clas unle:s divid!'.IQ in(o rale da:sses,

SJ The Lala! number or 1.101ee al!B:ched Lo all !he IOLlng eflsre fn the comp.any or vollnD fnlerests In lhe scheme (If Elny) lhEll lhe person or an aBsoclata hEls El reJavBnl inti,:st in.

B) The person's voles divided by Ihalo!QI voles in the body oorporlille or schem!!l 1111.il1ipli!!!d by 100.

7) ll'lciJde d!:!ll:!ils of:

El) any fl:llevant 51gre1;1menl or o(hw i::ircur11 (;:m1=!!IS pY v.-tiicli the re!ey;anl in(ef!:!S[ -.ys i!i:guit!:!d, !f subsetticm 871B(4J applies, capy of any dornenl eelllng oul the terme or any relevant agre1:1men!, and a statement by the person givingfull and accurate details of any contract, scheme or lilrr11u1gi,m!!lnl, m1,.1!.[ o::arripiltiy lhis fOiti'l, Lc:Jgelherwilh a wrillen slale«Lent certifylnglhis oonlract, st.heme or arrangement; and

b) any qua1mca11on or Iha power ot a peraon IO exerclee, control Ula exercise of, or lnnuence Iha exercJ.se ot, the vollng powers or dlapoaal or the

si:ic:uri(ies to whii;:h (hi::i ["j:!li,vnl il"lli::ire:sl relale.:s (indic.11!i119 c::le::afly lhe pl:lr'!itular sec::uril1es lo which the qualifitalion 1:1pplies}. Saa the deffnfllon or ''relevant agreement" In .secllon 9 of Iha Corporaclons Acl 2001.

6) If (h !.):,:slilntil:!I holdec is unable La determine ihe ldenllty or th1:1 pe(l:lon { ag. rr the fal1:1vant Interest 1:1.-iaee becauee of an opllon) Wl"lla "unknown".

9) Delalla or the conslderallon must Include any and all benefils, moni;iy and olh'3'1", lhal any pi;rsoo from whom Iii r1:11'3'VE1nl lnleresl was sicquired has. or m51Y, becom1:1

!!lf'llill!!cl lo tl!ceiwe in r"t!lalion lo thal acqui11;illon. Detalh:1 muel be Included even rt Iha benem la c:ol"Jdlllonal on Iha happening or not or a oonllngancy. Da!B:Hs muet be

)ncluded of Elny b1:1nefil p111ld on b1:1hlillf of (he subs(i;m!i11d holder or i(:s ;:i:;:sm;:i (e in (e!;alion (o lt'le a:iuisi!ioni?;, even if U-,i,.y r'e not paic:i' directly to lhe prs.on f(om whom !he alavl:lnl lnlecaal Wl:le acqulC0d.

I I . A p r . 2 0 1 6 1 6 : 0 7 N o. 0 6 5 3 P. 4/5


5/12/201,J, A.l t Sh.ire • Quest On-mlldrerPllfChllSe

Otdlnilr"Y sh1:1res

Ordlflij_!Y Sh.irl'I


. ' ' '

:· ;..,:e'roo,#t5

:· f:feceil ·



4/0'1./2.0lS Aust Sh.ires - Quest Cutwl:lrslon

7/04/2015 Aust sheres - a.uest On-m.irket sale

6/04/2015 Aust 5hi:ire5 Que.1:t On-market Sale

J.=i/04fioi.S Aust Shares - Quest Orl-m1:1J1:ei: Sale

Ordlna.!Y_ Shares

141,954 IOrdin11ryShe.res 69/175 IOrdinary shares l!30,4 ICrdln11ryShares

725_._754 725.,,_754

l'i(l,000 i:;o,ooa

.:IS_,_1:17 .:15.,_1:!7

122.,_405 122.t!_OS

21/04/2015 Aust Sh1:1res - Quest On-m.irk11t s.ile

26/02{1016 A.lst sharos - QJL'.l!it On-m;uketSale

270,iSl:I IOrdir'lllr"y Shilr"l:!S

320,259 1on:11narv shares



TOTAL ,,14

Opening number of unil

Ch:isirl{: rlumber of u11[tg



Villa World Limited issued this content on 11 April 2016 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 11 April 2016 05:45:08 UTC

Original Document: http://www.villaworld.com.au/PDF_2016_asxannouncements/Change in Substantial Holding - BNP.pdf