(Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability)


(Stock Code ٰ΅˾໮j4)

9 April 2018

To:Shareholders who are recipients of printed copies of Corporate Communications (as defined in the Listing Rules)

The English and Chinese versions of various latest Corporate Communications (the "Current Corporate Communications") of TheWharf (Holdings) Limited (the "Company"), including, inter alia , the Annual Report for the year 2017 (the "2017 Annual Report") for which separate printed versions in the English language and the Chinese language respectively have been prepared, have been published and printed copies thereof are enclosed. Both the English and Chinese versions of the Current Corporate Communications are also available on the Company's website For those Shareholders who have previously selected to receive printed copy(ies) of only the English or only the Chinese version of Corporate Communications, a printed copy of the 2017 Annual Report in only the language version as selected is delivered to each of them. If you are one of those Shareholders and wish to also receive a printed copy of the 2017 Annual Report in the language that you have not received, you may complete the request form (the "Request Form") on the reverse side of this letter and sign and return it by post (postage pre-paid if delivered within Hong Kong by using the mailing label provided therein) or by hand delivery to the Company, c/o the Company's Registrars (the "Registrars"), Tricor Tengis Limited, at Level 22, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong, or by sending an email for the purpose (containing your full name(s) in English, address and contact telephone number (the "Personal Particulars"), and also the relevant words regarding your request)

Please note that if no noticeNote to change the means of receiving future Corporate Communications is received by the Company from you, you would for the time being be regarded by the Company as having chosen to continue to receive printed copies of Corporate Communications in future (in accordance with any such choice of language(s) as may have been previously made by you).

Should you have any queries in relation to this letter, please contact the Registrars' Customer Service Hotline at (852) 2980-1333 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday (excluding Hong Kong public holidays).

The Wharf (Holdings) Limited

Note:Notwithstanding any choice previously made by Shareholder(s) and communicated to the Company, Shareholder(s) is/are given the option (which may be exercised at any time by giving reasonable prior notice to the Company) of changing his/her/their choice of printed language version(s) to English only or Chinese only or both English and Chinese for receiving future Corporate Communications, or changing the choice of receiving future Corporate Communications to using electronic means instead of printed version (or vice versa). Such notice of change of choice should contain the Personal Particulars of the Shareholder(s) together with the relevant words regarding the request for the change of choice, and should be sent to the Company, c/o the Registrars, by post or by hand delivery, or via email

ߧj ϗ՟ʮ̡ஷৃ€ܲɪ̹஝ۆהޢ֛ΙՏٰ͉ٙ؇

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ν ტɨ࿁͉ՌϞ΂Оဲਪdሗ׵݋ಂɓЇʞ€࠰ಥʮ଺৿ಂৰ̮ɪʹɘࣛЇɨʹʞࣛdߧཥٰ΅ཀ˒೮াஈ܄˒؂ਕᆠᇞ

(852)2980-1333 ݟ༔f

ɘᎲࡑණྠϞࠢʮ̡ ɚ´ɓɞϋ̬˜ɘ˚

ڝൗj ೌሞٰ؇ʘۃಀщЪ̈΂О፯኿Ԩਗ਼޴ᗫ፯኿ஷ͉ٝʮ̡dٰ؇ޫኹϞ፯኿ᛆ€̙ᎇࣛΣ͉ʮ̡೯̈ܦ຅ٙཫ΋ஷٝБԴ༈፯኿ᛆd˸һҷ־Ŋ ־ഃ˚ܝϗ՟ʮ̡ஷৃٙ፯኿dܼ̍ఱϗ՟ΙՏ͉ϾԊdһҷމ̥ϗ՟ߵ˖و͉dא̥ϗ՟ʕ˖و͉dאΝࣛϗ՟ߵ˖و͉ၾʕ˖و͉dɦאఱ ϗ՟˚ܝʮ̡ஷৃٙ˙όϾԊd͟ΙՏ͉һҷމԴ͜ཥɿ˙ό€ˀʘ͵್f޴ᗫٙһҷ፯኿ஷٝ඲ʫ༱޴ᗫٰ؇ٙࡈɛ༟ࣘ˸ʿһҷ፯኿ܸٙͪ ο̩d˸ඉ੔אɛ˓৔჈˙ό৔༺͉ʮ̡€ٰ͟΅ཀ˒೮াஈ˾ϗdאཥඉЇwharfholdings-ecom@hk.tricorglobal.comf

Ref. 00004-3


For use only by those Shareholders who have chosen to receive single language version of Corporate Communications 3 සԶʊ፯኿ϗ՟ʮ̡ஷৃ 3 ఊɓႧ˖و͉ٙ޴ᗫٰ؇Դ͜


To:The Wharf (Holdings) Limited (the "Company")


(Stock Code: 4)

c/o Tricor Tengis Limited Level 22, Hopewell Centre

183 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong

ɘᎲࡑණྠϞࠢʮ̡€˜͉ʮ̡™ €ٰ΅˾໮j4 ͟ՙԳ೮ઠࣛϞࠢʮ̡˾ϗ ࠰ಥެΧɽ༸؇ 183 ໮ Υձʕː 22

(Please mark "" in ONLY ONE of the following boxes)



I/We have already received a printed copy of only the Chinese version of the 2017 Annual Report, and I/we would now like to also receive a printed copy of its English version.


OR א


I/We have already received a printed copy of only the English version of the 2017 Annual Report, and I/we would now like to also receive a printed copy of its Chinese version.


Name(s) of Shareholder(s)



Please use BLOCK CAPITAL ሗ͜ߵ˖ɽฺ෬ᄳ

Contact telephone number




Notes ڝൗj


  • 1. If your shares are held in joint names, the Shareholder whose name stands first on the register of members of the Company in respect of the joint holding should sign on this Request Form in order to be valid.


  • 2. For the avoidance of doubt, we do not accept any special instructions written on this Request Form.


  • 3. "Corporate Communications" refer to annual/interim reports, notices, circulars, proxy forms, or other publications of the Company (including any "Corporate Communication" as defined in the Listing Rules).



Your supply of your name(s) and other personal data is on a voluntary basis for the purpose of processing your instructions as stated in this Request Form for receiving the Corporate Communications (the "Purposes"). We may transfer such data provided by you to our Share Registrars and agent(s) for the Purposes or such other parties who are authorised by law to request the information. The data will be retained for such period as may be necessary for our verification and record purposes. You have the right to request access to and/or correction of the relevant personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486 of the laws of Hong Kong) and any such request should be made in writing to the Personal Data Privacy Officer of Tricor Tengis Limited at Level 22, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong.

ტɨ݊Іᗴ౤Զ ტɨ֑ٙΤʿՉ˼ࡈɛ༟ࣘd˸͜׵ஈଣ ტɨί͉ࠅӋڌࣸɪהࠑϞᗫϗ՟ʮ̡ஷৃܸٙͪ€˜༈ഃ͜௄™fҢࡁ̙ঐΪ༈ഃ͜௄ΣҢࡁٰٙ΅ཀ˒೮াஈʿ ˾ଣɛdאՉ˼ᐏجԷબᛆϾࠅӋ՟੻Ϟᗫ༟ࣘٙɛɻᔷʹϤഃ༟ࣘf ტɨה౤Զٙ༟ࣘਗ਼ίቇ຅ࣛගڭवЪࣨྼʿߏ፽͜௄f ტɨϞᛆᎇࣛܲ๫࠰ಥجԷୋ 486 ௝ࡈɛ༟ ࣘ€ӷᒯૢԷ'ࠅӋπ՟ʿһ͍޴ᗫࡈɛ༟ࣘf΂ОϞᗫࠅӋѩ඲˸ࣣࠦ˙όΣՙԳ೮ઠࣛϞࠢʮ̡€ήѧމ࠰ಥެΧɽ༸؇ 183 ໮Υձʕː 22 ᅽٙࡈɛ༟ࣘӷᒯ˴΂౤̈f

Ref. 00004-4

Mailing Lable ඉ੔ᅺᜀ

Please cut and stick the mailing label on

the envelope to return this Request Form to us.

Tricor Tengis Limited

No postage stamp is required for local mailing.


຅ ტɨ੔ΫϤࠅӋڌࣸࣛd

Freepost No. ᔊکΫඉ໮ᇁ 37


Hong Kong ࠰ಥ




The Wharf (Holdings) Ltd. published this content on 06 April 2018 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 06 April 2018 10:50:10 UTC